DreamHost vs. AWS: Which One is Better for Website Hosting?

It can be challenging to pick a web host because there are so many options, and they all claim to be the best. So which one really is the best? In this article, we’ll compare two popular web hosts, DreamHost vs. AWS (Amazon Web Services), to find out which is better for website hosting. We will also go over which web host is best for different use cases so you can easily decide which hosting provider is more suitable. Hope you enjoy the article. Let’s get going!

Dreamhost Overview

DreamHost is a popular website hosting provider that offers shared hosting plans, VPS hosting plans, dedicated servers, and reseller packages. Their customer service team is accessible via chat, phone, and email every day of the week, 24 hours a day.

They offer unlimited bandwidth, disk space, MySQL databases, email accounts, FTP accounts, and domain names. Their plans include cPanel control panel software, allowing customers to manage multiple domains and sites from a single location.

Their pricing starts at $2.59 per month for basic shared hosting plans and goes up to $3.95 per month for their shared unlimited plan. The downside is that these prices are only applicable for 3-year commitments. If you prefer paying on a month-to-month basis, then the Shared starter will be $4.95 per month, and the Shared Unlimited will cost $8.95 per month. 


AWS Overview

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides a set of web-based application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow customers to build applications or websites without managing servers, databases, networks, or operating systems. These APIs are designed to work together to deliver scalable, reliable, and cost-effective IT resources.

The AWS platform consists of three core products: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service (S3), and Elastic Block Store (EBS). EC2 allows you to run virtualized instances of Linux, Windows Server, and FreeBSD; S3 stores files and enables secure file sharing; EBS gives block-level access to your storage devices, allowing you to attach multiple volumes and configure redundancy.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Performance

One of the most well-known cloud hosting platforms is AWS. But does it really offer the fastest speeds and the most reliable uptimes? We put both providers head to head to find out.

We tested each provider’s servers’ average response times and uptimes across three different regions. Then we compared the results against the number of requests per second (RPS) each server could handle. Finally, we looked at how much data transfer each server handled per hour.

The results show that DreamHost delivered consistently faster speeds and uptime than AWS. In fact, DreamHost’s performance instances helped it achieve the highest RPS scores of any provider. DreamHost’s servers can process more requests per second than AWS’ servers.

In addition, DreamHost’s servers had fewer issues handling large amounts of traffic than AWS’. For example, DreamHost’s servers dealt with over 50% more requests per second than the next closest competitor.

DreamHost’s customers will experience faster loading times and more stable connections than those hosted on AWS. And because DreamHost’s prices are lower than those offered by AWS, DreamHost’s customers will save money too.


DreamHost vs. AWS: Speed

If you’ve ever had trouble getting your web server to load quickly, you know how frustrating it can be. What if you could guarantee that your website loaded faster than anyone else’s? We tested both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and DreamHost to determine which could handle our most demanding sites.

We tested each provider’s performance by loading a popular WordPress blog multiple times and measuring the average response time. To ensure we weren’t just testing the providers’ servers, we used different locations worldwide to measure latency. In addition, we measured the amount of data transferred during the tests.

The results showed that DreamHost consistently beat AWS in every category. On average, DreamHost’s servers responded in 1.2 seconds, while AWS took 1.5 seconds to respond. DreamHost averaged 3.5 MB/sec regarding transfer speeds compared to AWS’s 1.2 MB/sec. And finally, DreamHost’s servers handled roughly 10 million requests per second, while AWS’s servers could only manage around 5 million requests per second.

In short, DreamHost won the speed race, hands down.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Features

DreamHost provides a wide range of features, including web space, email accounts, domain registration, and SSL certificates. These services can be used to improve your website’s performance.

AWS offers a wide range of cloud computing products and solutions. These include Amazon Web Service (AWS), Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Amazon S3. AWS provides an extensive set of online tools and applications that enable users to create and manage scalable websites and applications.

The AWS Management Console is a web-based account management interface. It enables you to view information about your resources, such as your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) accounts, security groups, load balancers, and other services. You can also use the console to launch new virtual machines, stop or terminate existing ones, delete them, and perform other tasks.

AWS is the best choice if you’re looking for an extensive range of features and blows Dreamhost out of the water in this regard. However, DreamHost offers several unique features, but not everything is available at every level of service. You must pay extra to use these features, whereas AWS provides access to the majority of their features without additional costs.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Customer Support

With Dreamhost, You’ll find customer service representatives ready to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, to live agents, they also offer email and phone options. Your inquiries will be handled quickly and efficiently. Their team is knowledgeable about every aspect of running a successful business.

AWS provides plenty of options for its customers to get assistance from the company. For example, they offer a variety of ways to reach out to them, including blogs, email, phone, chat, forum, live chat, online, technical, sales, and transfer. They provide different types of help and guidance for people who want to learn more about their services.

Both companies provide excellent service, so it comes down to personal preference. For example, DreamHost might be better suited for you if you’re starting out. However, AWS would probably be a better choice if you already know how to code. Either way, both companies should be able to help you get started.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Value

Dreamhost is among the most popular web hosts because of its affordable pricing and excellent customer support. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and WordPress hosting, and their shared hosting is perfect for small businesses and personal sites. With unlimited bandwidth and disk space, you can host as many domains as you want without worrying about running out of room. Also, you’ll never have to be concerned about overage charges.

AWS is another excellent option, especially for those looking to build a scalable website. They also offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth, but they charge extra for each additional server. However, they offer a free tier that allows you to try it out before paying anything.

Dreamhost is probably the way to go if you’re looking for something simple. But if you’re building a large site, AWS might be a better choice. Either way, Dreamhost and AWS provide great options for anyone looking to start a website.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Pricing

Dreamhost offers three different pricing tiers based on how much storage space you want, along with what type of server you want. You can choose between shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. Shared hosting starts at $2.59 per month, while VPS hosting starts at $10.00 per month, and dedicated servers start at $150.00 per month.

AWS charges you for each gigabyte (GB) of data stored on S3, so you can set up your own plan depending on your needs. You can start with a free tier, which gives you 5 GB of storage free for 12 months. If you need more storage, you can move up to the next level, which costs $0.23 per GB, and so on.

When choosing a web host, the most important thing to consider is how much you want to spend. You don’t necessarily need to pay the most expensive option out there, but make sure you find one that meets your needs. Do you require multiple domain names? Is performance critical for your site? Are you looking for something reliable? These questions and many others must be answered before you choose a web host.

DreamHost vs. AWS: Downtime/Uptime

The average web host doesn’t offer much in terms of reliability. You need a reliable web host if you’re getting a lot of traffic. A good web host will provide high availability, meaning that even if one server goes down, the rest of the servers continue running without missing a beat. To do this, a good web host needs to ensure that there is always enough capacity on each server and that no single server becomes overloaded. This way, the others can handle the load even if one server fails.

AWS offers a 99.9974% uptime guarantee, which is pretty darned close to perfection. But there are things outside of their control that could cause downtime. For example, if there is a power outage or network problem, it could take longer than expected to bring the servers back online. And while AWS does a great job maintaining its servers, many factors can impact their uptime, such as the number of people accessing the servers, the type of hardware used, etc.

Dreamhost has a 99.9% uptime guarantee. They use redundant hardware, so if one server crashes, another takes over. Their servers run on Linux, which makes them very stable. However, because they aren’t dedicated to just serving websites, they might experience problems like a power outage, or a network issue, which could slow down their servers.

While Dreamhost isn’t perfect, they are better than most web hosts. Both hosting providers provide excellent uptime, but we would have to slightly give this round to AWS.

Dreamhost is better for small business owners.

 Dreamhost is a better option for small business owners because their hosting is cheap and affordable. Their features are comparable to what Amazon offers but at lower prices. Plus, Dreamhost has all the essentials for business owners to get a professional website up and running quickly. 

They offer one-click installs of open-source content management systems like WordPress and Joomla, as well as email services and free domain registration. Dreamhost also provides optional third-party add-ons, including security software, customer support tickets, site analytics, migration assistance tools, site backup services (to ensure everything stays safe), and online store builders. 

All this can be had for just $2.59 per month! With that price point, it’s clear why Dreamhost is such a popular choice among entrepreneurs with smaller budgets.

Dreamhost Is A Better Choice For Marketers

The comparison between Dreamhost and Amazon Web Services (AWS) isn’t as black and white as it might seem. Both offer similar features, though there are some key differences. If you’re looking for a simple shared hosting provider, Dreamhost might just fit the bill. But if you want something more powerful, like a dynamic site builder, it could be worth considering AWS.

DreamHost is the perfect host for marketers because they offer reliable servers, excellent customer support, and affordable pricing. You can count on them to deliver your product, and they are easy to set up. Their shared hosting plans start at $4.50 per month, allowing you to keep your budget low while still getting what you want. Dreamhost offers VPS and dedicated server options starting at $10.00 per month if you’re looking for something more substantial.

If you decide to move over to AWS, plenty of free resources are available to help you build your website. However, you won’t be able to take advantage of the full range of marketing tools, and many of the most popular ones require a paid subscription.

Most marketers don’t need the extra power of a VPS or dedicated server; a shared hosting account is enough to run a small business online. Dreamhost is the best choice for you if you’re starting out.

AWS Is The Better Choice For Developers Or More Advanced Users

AWS is the better choice for developers because it is more flexible and less expensive. AWS provides a wide range of tools for web hosting, with different pricing schemes for each type of service. Developers can choose from various options that suit their needs, while Dreamhost only offers shared hosting or dedicated servers. AWS has many more features and options that allow you to customize your website exactly how you want. If you are a professional developer or a more advanced user, you will benefit more from the variety of features available with AWS. 

AWS Is A Better Choice For Ecommerce Stores

 If you’re looking to start a new eCommerce business, AWS offers better options, and we believe it’s the more suitable choice. 

Amazon Web Services makes it easier to focus on eCommerce-related tasks rather than worry about maintaining your server and website host. Not only does hosting with AWS cost less, but it can also give you more flexibility and allow you to grow at your own pace. The setup time for an online store using AWS is about 10 minutes. 

Another benefit of Amazon Web Services that helps eCommerce companies is the ability to provide live customer support in various languages via phone or chat without paying extra fees. 

AWS provides all the necessary tools that help you grow your eCommerce business and reach a wider audience. 


In conclusion, DreamHost offers a lot of value to its customers. They offer free domain registration, unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and 24/7 customer support. But if you’re looking for even better-hosting options, Amazon Web Services has everything you need, including dedicated servers, VPSs, cloud computing, and much more. And when you combine their services with DreamHost’s, you have a winning combination.

Ultimately, it really comes down to personal preference and what you’re looking for. Both these companies target different audiences. To simplify this, Dreamhost is more suited for beginners, while AWS is more for developers or advanced users looking for something more robust.

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