Drupal vs. Kentico: Which Is The Best CMS?

The debate between Drupal vs. Kentico has been going on for years. Both content management systems (CMS) have pros and cons, but which is the best? This blog post will look at Drupal and Kentico, compare their key features, and see which one comes out on top.

Kentico Overview

Kentico is a powerful, all-in-one CMS that enables you to build websites, online stores, and intranets on the ASP.NET platform. It has many out-of-the-box features, including content management, e-commerce, online marketing, and social networking.

Kentico has been around since 2004 and is used by over 25,000 websites worldwide. The company is headquartered in the Czech Republic, with offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Kentico was founded by Petr Palas and Vlado Beranek in the Czech Republic. The company now has offices in the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada, with more than 250 employees.

Kentico started as an open-source project on SourceForge but later switched to a commercial model. In 2009, Kentico was named a Microsoft Partner of the Year Award winner in the ISV/Software Solutions category.

In 2010, Kentico launched Version 5 of its CMS, which included a new interface and support for Windows Azure. Version 6 was released in 2011 and added mobile devices and responsive design support. The latest version (Kentico 12) was released in 2018. It included several new features, such as integration with Kontent (a headless CMS), a built-in spell checker, the ability to schedule tasks, improved settings management, and social media marketing tools.

Kentico Pros And Cons

Kentico is a powerful and feature-rich CMS platform. However, it also has some drawbacks that should be considered before deciding if it’s the right platform for your project.


  • Kentico offers a unified platform for content management, digital marketing, and e-commerce. This can save businesses time and money by having to manage multiple platforms separately.
  • Kentico comes with a built-in spell check, which can be a valuable time-saving feature for content creators.
  • The platform allows scheduling tasks in advance, such as publishing content or sending emails. This can help businesses stay organized and ensure that tasks are completed on time.
  • Kentico provides extensive settings and social media integration options to help businesses customize the platform to their needs.
  • The lead scoring feature allows businesses to prioritize and track leads based on budget, authority, need, and timeline criteria.


  • While Kentico’s unification of content management, digital marketing, and e-commerce is convenient, it can also be limiting. For example, businesses may not be able to use third-party tools or plugins that are not compatible with all three platforms.
  • The pricing for Kentico can be expensive, especially for larger organizations with complex needs.
  • The learning curve for Kentico can be steep, as the platform is relatively complex and has many features. Because of this, learning how to use the CMS can be difficult for new users.

Kentico Key Features

Kentico is a feature-rich CMS that offers a wide range of capabilities for businesses of all sizes. The following are some of the main features that make Kentico a desirable option for creating and managing websites:

  • Unification with Kontent: One of Kentico’s most unique and powerful features is its tight integration with the Kontent headless CMS. This allows content to be managed in a single place and published across multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, and IoT devices.
  • Built-In Spell Check: Another great feature of Kentico is its built-in spell checker. This can be highly beneficial in ensuring that content is free of errors before publication.
  • Ability to Schedule Tasks: With Kentico, you can schedule tasks such as publishing content, sending emails, or running reports. This can help you to better manage your time and resources.
  • Settings and Social Media Integration: Kentico provides a wide range of settings that allow you to customize the behavior of your website. Furthermore, it integrates tightly with popular social media platforms, making it simple to share content and interact with your audience on these platforms.
  • Lead Scoring: Kentico’s lead scoring feature allows you to score leads based on their interactions with your website. This can help identify hot leads and nurture them through the sales process.

Drupal Overview

Drupal is an open-source content management system that is free to use and has a sizable user and developer base. It powers some of the world’s largest websites, including The Economist, The Guardian, and MTV UK. Drupal is written in PHP and can be run on most web servers.

Drupal has a modular design that allows you to add or remove functionality, making it very flexible and scalable. There are over 43,000 modules available for Drupal, which cover everything from e-commerce to social networking to search engine optimization.

Drupal is known for its high-security standards and regularly releases security updates. It also has an extensive user permissions system that lets you control who can see and do what on your website.

Drupal is used by organizations of all sizes, including many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Its notable users include Amnesty International, NASA, and the United Nations.

Drupal Pros And Cons

Drupal is a powerful and popular content management system (CMS), but it has its fair share of pros and cons. Take a closer look at some of Drupal’s key advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Great multilingual support – Drupal offers built-in language translation capabilities, making it an ideal platform for creating multilingual websites.
  2. Content and workflow moderation – Drupal provides robust tools for managing website content, including the ability to create custom workflows for approving and publishing content.
  3. Powerful taxonomy and menu structures – Drupal’s taxonomy and menu systems are highly flexible and allow you to easily organize your website’s content in various ways.
  4. Platform independent – Drupal can be used on any server (Linux, Windows, etc.), making it a good choice for organizations with mixed IT environments.
  5. Excellent mobile experience – Regardless of how users access your site, Drupal websites can be easily optimized for mobile devices to give them the best possible user experience.
  6. Open source – Because Drupal is open-source software, it is free to download and use, and a large community of developers contributes modules, themes, and other add-ons that can extend the functionality of your site.


  1. Steep learning curve – Due to its flexibility and complexity, Drupal can be challenging to learn and use if you’re not already familiar with web development concepts.
  2. Lack of customer support – Because Drupal is open-source software, no official customer support is available from the company behind the CMS. However, there are many active online forums where users can get help from other members of the Drupal community.
  3. Limited hosting options – You might need to do some research to find a host that suits your needs since not all web hosts provide support for Drupal websites.
  4. Security vulnerabilities – Like any other software, Drupal has had its share of security vulnerabilities over the years. However, the Drupal community quickly responds to new threats and releases updates to address them.

Overall, Drupal is a powerful and popular CMS with many features. However, knowing the potential drawbacks is essential before deciding if it’s the right platform for your needs.

Drupal Key Features

Great Multilingual Support

Drupal’s multilingual support is second to none. It offers built-in language translation capabilities for both content and interface, allowing you to easily create a multilingual website. Drupal also has an extensive community of translators who contribute to the project, ensuring that your site will be available in many languages.

Content and Workflow Moderation

Drupal’s content moderation system is potent, allowing you to easily control the workflows of your content. You can easily maintain your content’s organization and control by setting up various workflows for various types of content and giving other users various roles.

Powerful Taxonomy And Menu Structures

Drupal’s taxonomy system is very flexible, allowing you to easily create custom vocabularies and terms. You can also use taxonomies to organize your menus, making it easy to navigate your site. Additionally, Drupal’s menu system is highly customizable, giving you complete control over how your menus are displayed on your site.

Platform Independent

Drupal is a platform-independent CMS, meaning it can run on any operating system (Linux, Windows, etc.). This makes it easy to deploy Drupal on any server environment. Additionally, Drupal can be run on any web server (Apache, Nginx, IIS), making it easy to scale your website as needed.

Excellent Mobile Experience

Drupal offers an excellent mobile experience with a responsive administration interface that looks great on mobile devices. Additionally, many modules are available that extend Drupal’s mobile capabilities even further.

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Security

When it comes to security, both Kentico and Drupal are very reliable. The two platforms do differ in some crucial ways, though.

For starters, Drupal is an open-source platform, meaning its code is available for anyone to view and contribute to. Depending on your perspective, this can be seen as a pro or a con. On the one hand, it allows for a more collaborative approach to security, with many eyes able to spot potential vulnerabilities. This also means that vulnerabilities are more likely to be discovered initially.

On the other hand, Kentico is a closed-source platform, which means that only those with access to the Kentico code can view and contribute to it. While this may seem like a disadvantage at first glance, it actually makes Kentico a more secure platform overall. That’s because it’s much harder for potential attackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities in closed-source code.

Another critical difference between Kentico and Drupal is the way they handle updates. With Drupal, you’re responsible for applying updates (although you can automate this process to some extent). With Kentico, on the other hand, updates are handled automatically by the platform itself. This means you don’t have to worry about keeping your site up-to-date, which can be a significant advantage from a security standpoint.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that both Kentico and Drupal offer a wide range of security features. These features include user authentication and permissions, SSL/HTTPS support, etc. Of course, you can always add additional security measures if you need them (such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems), but it’s nice to know that both platforms have you covered in this regard.

In conclusion, both Kentico and Drupal are very secure platforms. However, Drupal is open source while Kentico is closed source, which gives Kentico an edge in terms of security overall. Additionally, Kentico handles updates automatically, while with Drupal, you have to apply them yourself; Finally, various integrated security features are available on both platforms.

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Ease Of Use

Regarding ease of use, both Kentico and Drupal offer a great user experience. However, Drupal does have a slight edge over Kentico.

Drupal is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Even users unfamiliar with web development can easily create and manage a website with Drupal. On the other hand, Kentico is a bit more complex and requires some knowledge of web development to be used effectively.

Both platforms offer excellent documentation and support, so you can find the answers to your questions more quickly if you encounter any problems. Overall, we would say that Drupal is slightly easier to use than Kentico.

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Customizability

Concerning customizability, both Kentico and Drupal offer a great deal of flexibility. However, Drupal does have the edge over Kentico.

With Drupal, you can create custom content types and fields to store any kind of data you need. You can also use modules to add new functionality to your site without writing code. And if you know how to code, you can create your own modules or themes to make your site stand out.

Kentico also allows you to create custom content types and fields, but the process is not as streamlined as in Drupal. Additionally, while Kentico does have a few built-in modules, most of the time, you’ll need to purchase third-party plugins to add new functionality to your site. And since Kentico is a proprietary platform, if you want to customize it beyond what’s possible with plugins or themes, you’ll need to hire a developer who knows the Kentico API.

Overall, Drupal wins when it comes to customizability. It’s easier to add new content types and fields, and there are more options for adding new functionality without writing any code.

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Customer Support

Concerning customer support, Kentico and Drupal offer a wide range of options. The two, though, differ significantly in a few crucial ways.

For starters, Kentico offers 24/7 support for all customers, regardless of their location or time zone. This is a significant advantage for companies with global operations.

Drupal, on the other hand, offers community-based support. While this can be very helpful, it can also be a bit hit-or-miss. The quality of support you receive will depend on the particular community you’re working with.

Finally, it’s worth noting that both Kentico and Drupal have large and active user communities. So, if you encounter any issues, it’s likely that someone else has already dealt with (and resolved) them.

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Languages Supported

When it comes to language support, both Kentico and Drupal offer a lot of options. Kentico comes with built-in support for over 40 languages, while Drupal can be easily configured to work with any language.

If you’re looking for out-of-the-box language support, Kentico is the better option. However, if you need to support a less common language or want more control over the language configuration, Drupal is the way to go.

Kentico Is Paid, and Drupal Is Free

Regarding affordability, Drupal is the clear winner in this topic. Drupal is free to use and download, and Kentico, on the other hand, is a paid CMS. While Kentico offers a free trial, you will eventually need to purchase a license to continue using the platform.

There are a few reasons why Drupal is more affordable than Kentico. First, as an open-source CMS, Drupal benefits from the contributions of a large community of developers constantly improving the software. This means that you don’t have to pay for updates or new features – they’re all available for free. Second, because Drupal is free, it also has lower hosting costs than Kentico. And finally, because Drupal is so popular (it powers some of the world’s largest websites), there is no shortage of resources available if you need help using the platform or building your website.

In contrast, Kentico is a paid CMS with annual licensing fees starting at $10,500. This can be very expensive for smaller businesses on a budget; additionally, this license must be renewed annually. Additionally, because Kentico is a commercial product, you will need to pay for any updates or new features, unlike Drupal, where everything is free. Finally, while some resources are available for Kentico users, they pale compared to what’s available for Drupal users.

All things considered, Drupal is the more affordable option for businesses in terms of upfront costs and long-term expenses. If you’re looking for a powerful and free CMS for your website or application, look no further than Drupal!

Kentico Vs. Drupal – Which Company Is More Trustworthy?

When deciding which company is more reliable, there are numerous factors to consider. In general, Kentico seems to be the more reliable and well-established company. They started their business in 2004 and are well-known throughout Europe. On the other hand, Drupal was founded in 2001 and is based in the United States. While both platforms have experienced their fair share of security problems, Kentico has typically been quicker to identify and resolve any issues.


It is evident from reading this blog post that there is no one CMS that is clearly superior to another. Which one would be the best for you depends on your particular needs, as both Drupal and Kentico have advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re looking for a platform that’s free with great multilingual support, then Drupal is probably the way to go. Kentico might be a better choice if you’re looking for a simple-to-use CMS that is more feature rich with features like built-in spell-checking, Scheduling tasks, etc.

In the end, it’s up to you to choose the CMS that works best for your project.

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