vs. Clickfunnels: Which Is The Best Marketing Tool?

Finding the best marketing tool can seem quite daunting, with hundreds of possible tools available to take on this job. In reality, most are either not particularly good or provide extra features you don’t need. This leaves only a handful of services worth using and understanding on some level, such as Systeme IO and Clickfunnels. 

These two marketing tools can perform similar tasks differently, but their fundamental approach to helping you market your business is surprisingly similar despite the differences. This post will compare vs. Clickfunnels to help you decide which marketing tool is the best choice for your business. Overview is a cloud-based online marketing platform that lets you build, launch and manage digital products and courses with ease. You can use the system to set up autoresponders, generate content and even create your own membership site. You can also create landing pages to convert visitors into subscribers or customers by giving them free offers. Many features help you grow your business, including SEO reporting tools for keywords rankings, site analytics for traffic stats, and automated lead nurturing campaigns that work with your email service provider of choice like MailChimp, Aweber, etc… Major Benefits has so many benefits that it is hard to count them all! They are a fully automated platform without needing custom coding or developers. You can create your landing pages and launch campaigns without any hassles. also offers many integrations, making it perfect for marketers who want to achieve maximum conversion rates by using every tool available! allows you to create landing pages, auto-responders, sales funnel, and popups! You can integrate it with other third-party tools, including social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Email marketing tools like MailChimp are available too! allows you to segment your lists based on who is taking action on your page. It is highly customizable, so there are no limits when converting visitors into customers!

Another significant benefit of is that they offer a free plan! You can make up to three sales funnels and send unlimited emails with a free account. You can also store up to 2000 contacts and access 24/7 email support.  

Systeme io Drawbacks

One drawback to is its lack of integrations. It’s a clean, simple way to build landing and thank-you pages. Still, marketers who are used to connecting their marketing tools will want to look elsewhere for their CRM integration or enhanced online store capabilities. Even those new to online marketing might find it too limiting, especially if they need more detailed forms than provides. 

Another drawback is the lack of blogging features. It is less comprehensive than some other third-party hosting providers, such as Squarespace or Wix. Yes, it provides basic blogging capabilities, but if you’re looking for something more advanced with increased functionality, you might look elsewhere.

Systeme io Key Features has an abundance of features, and we talk about some of the key features below:

  • Sales funnels: Create and manage your sales funnels without any coding knowledge. You can also choose from several templates to start quickly or build your custom funnel from scratch.
  • A/B Testing: Test different elements on your site to see which ones have the most success by using A/B testing and then optimizing your site for higher conversions based on those results. 
  • Analytics: Use all of the data available in real-time to understand how users interact with your site and make changes accordingly.
  • Landing pages and forms: Create landing pages that convert visitors into leads with various lead capture options, including popups, slide-ins, a welcome mat, and more. You can use built-in form templates to create sophisticated lead-generation forms in minutes that let you collect information from users quickly and easily.
  • Business Automation: What sets Systeme io apart is that it’s an easy way to generate sales and leads and provides tools to grow your business. From creating marketing campaigns to automated functions like nurturing emails and social media posting, there’s something for everyone here. With analytics and website optimization tools, plenty of help is available if you’re still learning about these concepts.
  • Evergreen Webinars: Host webinars with Systeme io’s evergreen webinar feature to engage audiences for long periods. 
  • Build and sell an online course: Teach people how to do things they’ve never been able to do before. You can include videos, audio files, PDFs, eBooks, and other materials so people get all the training they need at once and in one place.

Clickfunnels Overview

Clickfunnels is a web-based marketing tool that allows users to quickly design, manage, and deploy any online marketing campaign, landing page, or website. Founded in 2014 by Russell Brunson, Clickfunnels has become one of the most popular tools for entrepreneurs and startups looking to grow their businesses into billion-dollar brands. Clickfunnels is used by tens of thousands of businesses, including some fortune 500 companies. 

Their software is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, so you can create marketing campaigns without technical knowledge or coding experience. If you are unfamiliar with HTML code or are new to web development, Clickfunnels may be your best choice. It will save you time from figuring out how all these technologies work together when it comes down to launching your first email campaign or A/B test.

Clickfunnels Major Benefits

Clickfunnels is an online marketing tool that will help you with anything from email automation and landing pages to sales funnels. Clickfunnels allows you to create a website for your business, build it, and then market it all in one place. 

Clickfunnels also offers a 14-day free trial, so you can see if this is the right tool for your marketing needs before paying for it. Before committing to the pricing plan, you can try out some of the features and see what works best for your business. 

Another great benefit of Clickfunnels is how user-friendly the interface is; there are instructions on every screen telling you what to do next. It makes creating, designing, and maintaining your website easy. Using Clickfunnels doesn’t require you to be tech-savvy at all!

Clickfunnels Drawbacks

Clickfunnels is expensive for new marketers just starting their online journey, and no free plan is available. If you need all the bells and whistles that Clickfunnels offer, you need to upgrade to at least the Pro plan, which costs $197/month. That said, Clickfunnels is a fantastic software despite the high price.

Another drawback to Clickfunnels is that we found their customer support team lacking at times. You may have to wait hours to get answers to a fundamental issue.

Clickfunnels Key Features

Like, Clickfunnels also offers many features to help you grow your business and make your life easier. Here are some of the key features listed below:

  • Powerful drag-and-drop builder for creating landing pages, sales funnels, Webinar registration forms, and much more 
  • Mobile-friendly responsive design that works seamlessly on any device 
  • A/B Split tests allow you to compare two different versions of a page or offer and see which performs better 
  • No contracts, so you can cancel anytime if you are on their month-to-month plan.
  • The upsell/downsell feature helps you increase your order value. You can upsell customers who have already purchased by offering them an upgrade to add more value to what they already got. Upselling is a great way to increase your average order value, thereby improving your bottom line. 
  • Membership funnels for collecting leads and building recurring revenue
  • Customers can be grouped into segments, allowing you to send targeted campaigns using email marketing tools such as MailChimp or Constant Contact.
  • ClickOptin is an added feature that enables you to generate leads and sales via email using a popup on your website. It’s similar to any online shopping site where they offer a discount or other special offers in exchange for subscribing to their newsletter. vs. Clickfunnels: Page Builder

The number of templates and options available with Clickfunnels provides more flexibility for various needs. This includes animated buttons, templates that are free and paid, over 500 HTML code designs, etc. Plus, the page builder is much more robust with greater detail. This allows someone to create a page just like an expert, with various color and font options available. Clickfunnels has many options and template combinations that suit any customer’s needs. 

In contrast, Systeme io focuses on easy-to-use applications requiring minimal coding knowledge with their pre-made templates. They both have similar options available to help you build an awesome-looking landing page. However, due to the sheer number of templates available and a few more options, we would also have to give the edge to Clickfunnels here. vs. Clickfunnels: User Interface

ClickFunnels has a straightforward dashboard that is easy to use and provides you with everything you need to get started. You can create sales funnels, landing pages, membership sites, launch funnels, and more with the drag-and-drop functionality of this marketing tool. You also can choose from over 100 professionally designed templates for your site or funnel and add your own graphics and images to create a unique design that matches your brand image. With its intuitive interface, it’s no wonder why many people are switching from other marketing tools like Wix or Squarespace to Clickfunnels for their web design needs.

Systeme io is slightly less forward-thinking than Clickfunnels, but this might be fine for some marketers. To create a sales funnel, you would have to take an additional few steps compared to Clickfunnels, which is quick and effortless. 

Overall, Clickfunnels has a better user interface and is the perfect tool for beginners. If you’re okay with paying a little more but prioritize a user-friendly dashboard, Clickfunnels is the better choice. 

Why Does Your Business Need A Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a process of moving potential customers to convert into paying customers. When you have a sales funnel, you know that the most crucial part of your business is converting visitors into leads and then leads into customers. You can’t just promote your products or services on social media, hope for people to find you, and expect them to buy what you offer immediately. 

You need a system that will guide people through the buying process in an organized way, so they are more likely to be ready to buy when they get there instead of feeling overwhelmed by all the choices available to them on the website or from your ad copy. Sales funnels make this happen. 

They work because humans are naturally lazy creatures. We want shortcuts to everything! It takes too much effort for us to scroll down a page looking at prices or jump from one site to another trying to compare features. Most people want things now and don’t want any fuss about it, which is why sales funnels exist! vs. Clickfunnels: Sales Funnels

ClickFunnels is a powerful yet easy-to-use marketing tool that lets you create better sales funnels quickly and efficiently while saving time and money. It’s super simple to use–even if you’re not a tech guru or don’t have any coding skills! You can also use it on any platform, including WordPress and Shopify. 

This means you can easily build your online business from scratch, even if you don’t know HTML or CSS, using the drag-and-drop editor to create your website pages. Plus, the funnel builder will allow you to automatically generate landing pages for your product offerings. Hence, customers are more likely to buy what you’re selling–and it’s all done in just a few minutes! also allows you to create awesome-looking sales funnels. However, it is a newer software and hasn’t been around for as long as Clickfunnels, which is why there are a lot fewer pre-made templates available. There are also a lot of added touches with Clickfunnels that give it the edge over, such as having a nice-looking preview when creating your sales funnels.

With Clickfunnels, their templates have been designed with conversions in mind, and it takes only a few minutes to have a new sales funnel up and running. vs. Clickfunnels: Affiliate Programs

Both providers allow you to build your affiliate programs to get more customers by letting other people promote your product or service and earn a commission. An affiliate program is vital for any online business because it allows you to increase your reach by letting other people sell your products while still earning a commission on their sales. 

Clickfunnels offers a built-in “Backpack” feature that allows you to create an affiliate program easily. The Backpack feature is only available from the Platinum plan onwards. 

Once you have created your Backpack dashboard, you can choose from existing templates or customize them to fit your needs. There are plenty of predefined variables like campaign duration, payout amount, sale threshold, commission percentage, etc., so it’s easy for anybody to start promoting your company easily! To ensure each promoter has a unique link code associated with their account (this ensures accurate tracking), we recommend adding them one by one instead of importing large lists simultaneously.

You can also build an affiliate program with The one significant advantage of is that this feature is also available on the free plan. With, the affiliate tools are fully integrated into your dashboard, so creating an affiliate program is a breeze. Like Clickfunnels, you can track your affiliates and manage your affiliate payout commissions quickly and effectively. You can also publish your affiliate offer on’s marketplace to get more people to promote your offer.  

Both Clickfunnels and allow you to create affiliate programs quickly, and both offer the same features in this regard. If we were to pick a winner in this section, it would have to be because their affiliate program is available on the free version. With Clickfunnels, if you want to use the Backpack feature, you will need to upgrade to the Pro plan, which costs $197/month. 

Systeme io vs. Clickfunnels: Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most critical aspects of marketing for businesses today. It’s the way to reach out to potential and current customers, and it can help build a brand by communicating the company’s mission, values and personality. The importance of email marketing to businesses today can be seen in the following ways:

  • Emails are quick, easy, and convenient to send out. 
  • It allows you to get in touch with people who may not have heard about your business before 
  • Using email templates or opting for free services can be inexpensive. 
  • It allows you to promote an offer, event, or special deal without needing a salesperson. 
  • You can easily track statistics such as open rate, click-throughs, and unsubscribes, so you know how effective your campaign was

Clickfunnels has an email automation feature called Follow-Up Funnels, which lets you create a series of follow-up emails triggered based on how users respond to your initial email (i.e., if they open it, if they click on a link, etc.). 

You can set up your funnel to send out automated emails over days or weeks and set up conditions so that each message in your series is personalized to what users did in previous messages. This makes following up with potential customers much easier and less time-consuming than manually writing individual emails for each person.  

On the other hand, Systeme io has a built-in email marketing tool that lets you create customized newsletters and send them out to your subscribers (i.e., people who have signed up to receive updates from you). It also allows you to set up automated follow-up emails based on user actions (i.e., if they open an email or click on a link). There is no need to use third-party software like Aweber or ActiveCampaign to run your email campaigns. 

Like Clickfunnels, you can easily manage your contacts, segment your email list to specific customers, and have detailed analytics about your email campaigns. 

The significant advantage of is that all these features for email automation are available on the free plan! With Clickfunnels, you will have to pay $147/month on the basic plan to access all these features, but with, you get all these features along with a limit of up to 2000 contacts which is really generous compared to most email providers. offers a lot of features on the free plan.

Both and Clickfunnels offer excellent email marketing features. However, you can get all these features for free if you’re using

Systeme io vs. Clickfunnels: Membership Site

With both Clickfunnels and Systeme io, you can create membership websites for your customers. Creating membership sites with either of them is relatively straightforward. 

With Clickfunnels, the membership site feature is available on the $147/ month plan, while with, this feature is available on the free plan. will therefore be the better option if you have a limited budget.

Again, we would favor Clickfunnels because they offer a more comprehensive selection of membership layouts and funnel templates. vs. Clickfunnels: Pricing completely blows Clickfunnels out of the water regarding pricing, with so many features available at lower pricing than what Clickfunnel offers. Clickfunnels doesn’t offer a free plan but a 14-day free trial to try out the software. has three different paid plans: Startup, Webinar, and Unlimited. The Startup plan costs $27/month, the Webinar is $47/month, and the Unlimited costs $97/month. Their most expensive plan is still cheaper than Clickfunnels cheapest plan, which costs $147/month.

Clickfunnels has a Pro plan which costs $197/per month. This plan gives you access to more advanced features, such as their affiliate program features, API access, and Liquid theme editor. Their most expensive plan costs $297/month and gives you access to advanced analytics. 

So in terms of pricing, there isn’t much debate. wins, hands down. Their lower plans include so many features that you would have to upgrade to Clickfunnels’ higher plans to access some of these features. vs. Clickfunnels: Customer Support

Both systems allow you to email their support team with your questions and concerns. If you’re a small business or affiliate marketer looking for a marketing tool, customer service is essential when making your choice. You want to avoid finding yourself in a bind and having nowhere to turn for help if things go wrong or you need some quick advice on how best to proceed with your campaign.

Clickfunnels has the edge in terms of customer support as they offer a live chat feature to their customers, while doesn’t. Both provided decent response times, and our questions were answered relatively comprehensively. Because Clickfunnels offers a live chat feature that most companies should have in 2022, Clickfunnels wins this debate. vs. Clickfunnels: Who Should Use Systeme io?

If you want to start a web-based business with email marketing and a sales funnel but don’t have money or time to spend on development, Systeme is a good option. With Systeme, you can use simple drag-and-drop tools to create your website and offers delivered right into people’s inboxes. It provides lots of templates and tools so that even if you are not a designer or developer, it should be easy for you to create a professional-looking site at a lower cost. I highly recommend it if your budget is limited and time is short too! vs. Clickfunnels: Who Should Use Clickfunnels?

If you have a slightly larger budget and are okay with spending it on a slightly more sophisticated tool, then Clickfunnels would be perfect for you. It’s a great solution if you’re looking to create high-converting landing pages or sales funnels. It also allows users to create custom forms that can help them collect data from their visitors. 

Users also have access to an A/B testing feature which helps them optimize their conversion rate. If your goal is to get leads or make sales online, then Clickfunnels should definitely be considered as one of your options. You can try out Clickfunnels with a 14-day free trial here. vs. Clickfunnels: Conclusion

This was a tough comparison because these two marketing platforms have many similarities and are great for specific users. If you’re starting out with your online business and don’t have a considerable budget, Systeme IO might be for you since it’s effortless to use. If you’re planning on scaling up and need an enterprise-level marketing platform that will do everything from funnels to publishing, then ClickFunnel is where it’s at. 

Both systems can be had for free (Clickfunnels offers a 14-day trial and Systeme I0 has a generous free plan), so nothing is stopping you from trying them out to figure out which one is right for your business needs!

We sincerely hope you enjoyed this article comparing vs. Clickfunnels, and if you have any questions, kindly contact us!


Does Clickfunnels offer a free plan? 

No, there is no free plan available with Clickfunnels. However, there is a 14-day free trial to get your feet wet before committing to the paid option.

Does Clickfunnels work with WordPress? 

Yes, Clickfunnels works seamlessly with WordPress and other major platforms such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Squarespace. However, if you are using a custom website builder or a site not built on any of these platforms, you will need to use an alternative integration tool like Zapier to connect your store to Clickfunnels. 

Can I cancel my Clickfunnels account anytime? 

Yes! You can cancel your account anytime without incurring any fees or penalties for doing so.

How do websites and funnels differ? 

The primary difference between a website and a funnel is that a website is an online presence for your business, while a funnel helps you convert traffic into leads or customers. You can create multiple funnels on one website, each catering to different audiences with different marketing messages.

Why is Clickfunnels so Expensive? 

The main reason Clickfunnels is expensive is that it offers much value for your money. It has all of its features and then some, which means you can run an entire online business from one platform without paying extra for additional tools or services. 

What makes Clickfunnels better than other marketing tools? 

Clickfunnels offers a simple, streamlined approach to online marketing that allows you to easily create landing pages, sales funnels, and webinars.

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