What Is Reseller Hosting? How Does It Work?

In the vast, interconnected world of the internet, websites act as homes for both businesses and individuals alike.

Just as every house needs land to sit on, every website requires space on a server to exist online.

This is where web hosting services come into play, offering the digital land for websites.

Among the various hosting options available, reseller hosting stands out as a unique and versatile choice.

Reseller hosting is essentially a business opportunity within the web hosting industry that allows individuals or businesses to purchase hosting services in bulk from a primary provider and then sell those services to their own clients.

The reseller acts as an intermediary, buying server space and bandwidth at wholesale prices and packaging them into custom hosting plans for end users.

Importance Of Reseller Hosting

The importance of reseller hosting in the web hosting industry cannot be overstated.

It democratizes the web hosting market, making it accessible for entrepreneurs who may not have the resources to build and maintain their own data centers.

Moreover, it allows web designers, developers, and agencies to offer hosting as an additional service to their clients, creating a one-stop shop for web development and hosting.

This not only adds value to their existing services but also streamlines the process for clients seeking a comprehensive web solution.

Understanding How Reseller Hosting Works

The process of reseller hosting begins with choosing a reliable hosting provider that offers reseller packages.

These packages usually come with a set amount of resources, such as disk space, bandwidth, and sometimes, features like cPanel accounts, email services, and security tools.

The reseller purchases these resources in bulk, and with the help of control panels (such as WHM – Web Host Manager), divides the resources to create custom hosting packages tailored to the needs of their clients.

Once the packages are defined, the reseller markets them under their own brand.

This is where white labeling comes into play; it allows the reseller to brand their services with their own logo, name, and pricing, making it appear as though they are the actual hosting provider.

Clients purchase and use the hosting services, unaware that they are ultimately hosted by a larger parent company.

The role of a reseller hosting provider is multifaceted.

Beyond just selling server space, they often provide technical support, manage server security, and ensure uptime, all under the guise of their brand.

This means that while the physical and technical aspects of hosting are handled by the original provider, the reseller takes care of customer service and account management, creating a seamless experience for the end user.

The Benefits of Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting is not just a cog in the machine of the web hosting industry; it’s a gateway for entrepreneurs, developers, and agencies to step into the hosting business with minimal risk and high potential for reward.

The model offers several compelling benefits that make it an attractive option for those looking to venture into the web hosting domain or expand their existing portfolio of digital services.

Low Entry Barriers

One of the most appealing aspects of reseller hosting is its low barrier to entry.

Unlike traditional web hosting companies that require significant upfront investments in hardware, infrastructure, and technical staff, reseller hosting allows individuals and businesses to enter the hosting market without the need for substantial capital expenditure.

This democratization of web hosting means that with a modest initial investment, virtually anyone can start a hosting business.


Reseller hosting is also cost-effective.

By purchasing resources in bulk from a primary provider, resellers can take advantage of discounted rates, which then allows them to offer competitive pricing to their own clients while still maintaining healthy profit margins.

Additionally, because the primary provider is responsible for the maintenance of the physical servers and infrastructure, resellers save on the costs associated with server maintenance, security, and upgrades.

This setup means resellers can focus their financial resources on marketing and customer service, rather than on the technical upkeep of server hardware.

Potential for Additional Revenue Streams

For many businesses, reseller hosting presents an opportunity to add a new revenue stream to their portfolio.

Web developers, designers, and digital marketing agencies can bundle hosting services with their existing offerings, providing a complete package to their clients.

This not only simplifies the client’s experience by giving them a single point of contact for their website needs but also increases the reseller’s revenue.

Moreover, because hosting is a subscription-based service, it generates recurring revenue, providing a steady income stream and enhancing the financial stability of the reseller’s business.

White Labeling Opportunities

White labeling is another significant benefit of reseller hosting.

It allows resellers to brand the hosting service as their own, offering it under their name and logo.

This feature is particularly beneficial for building brand loyalty and trust, as clients see the reseller as a provider of a comprehensive suite of services.

White labeling also enables resellers to set their own pricing structure, giving them control over their profit margins and the flexibility to tailor packages to the specific needs of their clients.


Finally, reseller hosting is inherently scalable.

As the client base grows, resellers can easily purchase additional resources from their provider to accommodate the increased demand.

This scalability ensures that resellers can start small and expand their business at their own pace, without the need for significant upfront investments in additional infrastructure.

It also means that resellers can tailor their offerings to the size and needs of their clients, providing personalized solutions that can grow along with their clients’ businesses.

How to Start a Reseller Hosting Business

Here’s a step-by-step guide to launching your reseller hosting business, designed to help you navigate the process with confidence.

Step 1: Developing a Business Plan

Every successful venture begins with a solid business plan.

This document should outline your business objectives, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

In the context of reseller hosting, your business plan should also address how you intend to differentiate your services in a crowded market.

Consider what added value you can offer to make your hosting packages more attractive, such as custom website design, SEO services, or specialized support for certain CMS platforms.

A well-thought-out business plan not only serves as a roadmap for your venture but also helps to attract potential investors or partners.

Step 2: Selecting a Reseller Hosting Plan

Choosing the right hosting provider is crucial for the success of your reseller business.

Look for providers with a strong track record of reliability, customer support, and scalability.

Research their reputation in the industry through customer reviews and testimonials.

The best providers offer a range of reseller hosting plans, allowing you to start small and scale up as your business grows.

Additionally, consider the features and tools they provide for resellers, such as white-label branding options, billing software, and an easy-to-use control panel for managing your clients’ accounts.

Step 3: Setting Up and Pricing Your Hosting Packages

Once you’ve chosen your provider, the next step is to set up and price your hosting packages.

When designing your packages, think about the needs of your target market.

Create a variety of packages to cater to different customer segments, from basic hosting for small personal blogs to more robust plans for businesses.

Pricing should strike a balance between competitiveness and profitability.

Research what similar services are charging, but also factor in your costs and the unique value you offer.

Transparent pricing models are generally more attractive to potential clients, so consider offering clear, straightforward pricing without hidden fees.

Step 4: Marketing Your Business

Effective marketing is key to attracting clients to your new reseller hosting business.

Utilize a mix of digital marketing strategies such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and paid advertising to reach your target audience.

Building a strong online presence through a professional website and active social media profiles can significantly boost your credibility.

Networking in online forums and communities related to web hosting and web development can also help spread the word about your services.

Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing; encourage your satisfied clients to refer others to your business.

Step 5: Providing Excellent Customer Service

The hallmark of a successful reseller hosting business is outstanding customer service.

In a service-based industry, your reputation hinges on your ability to provide timely, helpful, and friendly support.

Set up efficient systems for handling customer inquiries, technical support requests, and billing issues.

Consider offering multiple channels for support, such as email, phone, and live chat.

Providing personalized attention and going the extra mile for your clients can turn them into loyal advocates for your brand.

Additional Steps for Success

To further ensure the success of your reseller hosting business, focus on strong branding and an effective online presence.

Your brand should reflect the quality and reliability of your services, creating a trustworthy image that appeals to your target market.

Invest in a professional website that showcases your hosting packages, features, and benefits.

Implement an easy-to-use billing and client management system to streamline operations and enhance the customer experience.

Regularly review and update your offerings based on market trends and customer feedback, ensuring your services remain competitive and meet the evolving needs of your clients.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Reseller Hosting Provider

Selecting the right reseller hosting provider is a cornerstone decision for your budding hosting business.

This choice not only affects the quality of service you can offer to your clients but also impacts your brand’s reputation and operational ease.

Understanding the nuances of reseller hosting options, the essential features you should look for, and how to assess a provider’s track record and support systems are critical steps in this process.

Understanding Different Types of Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting comes in various flavors, primarily defined by the type of server technology and management level offered.

The most common types include shared, VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated, and cloud reseller hosting.

Each has its own set of advantages and considerations:

  • Shared Reseller Hosting: Ideal for beginners with lower client loads, this option is the most cost-effective but offers limited resources and less control over server settings.
  • VPS Reseller Hosting: Offers a balance between cost and control, providing more resources and better customization options than shared hosting without the high cost of dedicated servers.
  • Dedicated Reseller Hosting: Best for resellers with a large client base or those needing maximum control and performance. It involves renting an entire server but comes at a higher price.
  • Cloud Reseller Hosting: Offers scalability and reliability, allowing you to easily adjust resources to meet demand. It’s becoming increasingly popular due to its flexibility and cost-efficiency.

Essential Features of a Reseller Hosting Plan

When comparing reseller hosting plans, several features stand out as must-haves for ensuring you can provide a competitive and reliable service to your clients:

  • White Label Solutions: As mentioned earlier, this feature allows you to brand the hosting service as your own, offering a seamless experience to your clients and strengthening your brand identity.
  • Scalable Resources: As your reselling business grows, you’ll need the ability to scale resources up or down easily. Look for providers that offer flexible resource allocation to accommodate your evolving needs.
  • Control Panel: An intuitive control panel, such as cPanel/WHM, is crucial for managing your clients’ accounts efficiently. It should allow you to create and modify hosting packages, manage domains, and oversee all aspects of hosting administration.
  • Automated Backups: Regular backups are essential for data security. Opt for plans that include automated backup solutions to protect your clients’ data from loss or corruption.
  • Support: Your provider should offer robust support not just to you but also to your clients, if needed. This includes 24/7 technical support through multiple channels (phone, chat, email) and a comprehensive knowledge base.

Evaluating Provider Track Records and Support Systems

A provider’s history and the quality of their support system are indicative of the reliability and user experience you can expect.

Here’s how to evaluate these aspects:

  • Provider Track Record: Research the provider’s history for uptime statistics, customer testimonials, and reviews. A consistent track record of high uptime rates and positive customer feedback is a good indicator of a reliable provider.
  • Support Systems: Test the provider’s support before committing. See how quickly they respond to inquiries and whether their staff is knowledgeable and helpful. Remember, their support quality will directly affect your clients’ satisfaction.

Five of the Best Reseller Hosting Providers

Now that you know how to find the best reseller hosting provider, we’ll give you our 5 top choices for the best reseller hosting providers.

1. SiteGround

SiteGround is renowned for its outstanding customer support and high-performance hosting solutions.

It’s a great choice for resellers who prioritize reliability and client satisfaction.

SiteGround’s reseller program is designed to be flexible, catering to both newcomers and established businesses looking to scale.

Key Features

  • White-label hosting option
  • Free SSL certificates for every account
  • Daily backups
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Access to a powerful and user-friendly cPanel

Pricing: SiteGround’s reseller hosting starts at $6.69/month for the initial term, offering scalable plans based on the number of accounts and resources needed.

2. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting stands out for its speed and reliability.

They offer a Turbo Server option, promising up to 20X faster page loads, which is a significant selling point for clients with performance-sensitive sites.

Key Features

  • White-label capability
  • Free SSL & SSD
  • Turbo Server option for faster speeds
  • 24/7/365 Guru Crew support
  • Free website migration

Pricing: Reseller hosting plans with A2 Hosting start at $17.99/month, featuring different tiers based on storage, bandwidth, and the number of client accounts.

3. InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting offers a robust reseller hosting package with a focus on scalability and security.

It’s an excellent option for those who plan on growing their business and need a provider that can accommodate increasing demands.

Key Features

  • Free WHMCS, a leading web hosting management and billing software
  • White-labeling available
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Safe application rollback
  • 24/7 U.S.-based support

Pricing: Their reseller plans start at $15.39/month, with various options available depending on the volume of resources required.

4. HostGator

HostGator is one of the most popular hosting providers in the industry, known for its budget-friendly hosting solutions.

Their reseller plans are flexible, making it easy for resellers to customize packages for their clients.

Key Features

  • Flexible control panel (WHM)
  • Free WHMCS or Blesta billing software
  • Unlimited domains
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee

Pricing: HostGator reseller plans begin at $19.95/month, offering a good balance between cost and features for those just starting out.

5. Liquid Web

Liquid Web specializes in managed hosting services, including a comprehensive reseller hosting program.

It’s ideal for those looking for fully managed solutions and premium support for their clients.

Key Features

  • 100% uptime SLA
  • White-labeling
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Premium business email
  • VPS, dedicated, cloud, and WordPress hosting available

Pricing: Liquid Web’s reseller hosting pricing is tailored to the specific needs of the reseller, with discounts available based on the volume of business.

Their pricing is a bit more on the pricey side starting at $99 per month.

Making Money with Reseller Hosting

Venturing into the reseller hosting business opens up a myriad of opportunities to generate income.

However, the key to turning these opportunities into reality lies in strategic pricing, effective marketing, and the diversification of your service offerings.

Let’s dive into how you can navigate these aspects to maximize your revenue and ensure the growth of your reseller hosting business.

Pricing Strategies and Package Customization

The art of pricing your hosting packages plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining clients.

It requires a delicate balance: set the price too high, and you might scare potential customers away; too low, and you could undermine the perceived value of your services or even incur losses.

Competitive Analysis

Start by analyzing the pricing structures of your competitors.

This will give you a ballpark figure to work with and help you understand the market rate for similar services.

Value-Based Pricing

Consider adopting a value-based pricing model, where your rates are based on the perceived value of your services to your clients.

Highlight the unique aspects of your service, such as superior customer support or additional features, to justify your pricing.

Package Customization

Offer customizable packages to cater to a wider range of needs and budgets.

This approach not only attracts a diverse clientele but also allows you to upsell additional features or services.

Marketing Your Reseller Hosting Services

Marketing is the engine that drives your reseller hosting business forward.

Effective marketing strategies not only attract new clients but also help in retaining existing ones.

Digital Marketing

As mentioned earlier, utilize a mix of SEO, content marketing, and social media to increase your online visibility.

Regularly update your blog with informative content related to web hosting to establish your authority in the niche.

Referral Programs

Implement referral programs to leverage word-of-mouth marketing.

Offering incentives for referrals can motivate your existing clients to recommend your services to others.


Forge partnerships with web developers, designers, and digital agencies.

These partners can become an invaluable source of referrals, especially if your hosting services complement their offerings.

Expanding Your Service Offerings

Diversification is key to the sustained growth of any business, and the reseller hosting business is no exception.

By expanding your service offerings, you not only increase your revenue streams but also enhance the value proposition to your clients.

Related Services

Consider offering related services such as domain registration, SSL certificates, email hosting, and website-building tools.

These add-ons can significantly enhance the attractiveness of your hosting packages.

Specialized Hosting Solutions

Cater to niche markets by offering specialized hosting solutions, such as WordPress hosting, e-commerce hosting, or VPS services.

These specialized services can command higher prices due to their targeted nature.

Managed Services

Offer managed hosting services, where you take on the responsibility of managing your clients’ hosting infrastructure, including security, updates, and technical support.

Managed services provide a higher value to clients and allow you to charge a premium.


Starting a reseller hosting business offers a lucrative opportunity in the ever-growing web hosting industry.

With the right approach, it can be an excellent way to build a sustainable business with recurring revenue.

The key to success lies in choosing a reputable provider, understanding your market, offering tailored solutions, and committing to exceptional customer service.

As your business grows, continually adapting your strategy and expanding your service offerings will help you stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of your clients.

Remember, the foundation of a successful reseller hosting business is not just about selling hosting space but about building strong relationships with your clients and supporting them in their online journey.


How does reseller hosting work?

Reseller hosting involves purchasing hosting services in bulk from a primary provider and then selling these services to your own clients.

As a reseller, you buy server space, bandwidth, and hosting features at wholesale prices and package them into custom plans for end-users.

Essentially, you act as a middleman between the original hosting provider and your clients, offering hosting services under your own brand name.

What is the difference between hosting and reseller hosting?

The primary difference lies in the target audience and purpose.

Traditional hosting services are designed for end-users planning to host their own website or web application.

Reseller hosting, on the other hand, is aimed at individuals or businesses looking to sell hosting services themselves.

With reseller hosting, you can create your own hosting company without the need to manage your own servers or infrastructure.

Who should use reseller hosting?

Reseller hosting is ideal for web developers, designers, digital agencies, and entrepreneurs who want to offer web hosting as an additional service to their clients.

It’s also suitable for those looking to start their own hosting business without significant upfront investment in hardware and infrastructure.

How do I become a host reseller?

To become a host reseller, start by researching and selecting a reliable hosting provider that offers reseller hosting plans.

Consider factors like cost, features, support, and scalability.

Once you’ve chosen a provider, purchase a reseller hosting package, set up your hosting plans, decide on your pricing, and start marketing your services to potential clients.

How much money can you make from reseller hosting?

The amount of money you can make from reseller hosting varies widely depending on your pricing strategy, the value-added services you offer, and your marketing efforts.

Some resellers make a few hundred dollars a month, while others generate thousands.

Success in reseller hosting often depends on your ability to attract and retain clients and provide exceptional service.

How much does reseller hosting cost?

Reseller hosting costs can range from as low as $20 per month to over $100 per month, depending on the provider, the resources included in the plan, and any additional features or services you opt for.

It’s important to compare different providers and plans to find one that offers the best value for your needs and budget.

How is reselling profitable?

Reselling becomes profitable when you sell hosting services at a markup from your purchase price.

By adding value through custom hosting packages, personalized customer service, and additional web services (like site design and maintenance), you can justify higher prices.

Profitability also comes from efficiently managing your resources and scaling your client base without significantly increasing your costs.

How do I grow my reseller hosting business?

Grow your reseller hosting business by investing in marketing to attract new clients, offering exceptional customer service to retain existing clients, and continually adapting your services to meet market demand.

Expanding your service offerings, engaging in strategic partnerships, and leveraging customer referrals are also effective strategies for growth.

How do I add a domain to reseller hosting?

To add a domain to your reseller hosting account, log in to your reseller control panel (such as WHM) and use the “Create a New Account” feature to set up hosting for the new domain.

You’ll need to enter details like the domain name, choose a hosting package, and configure account settings.

Once the account is created, the domain will be hosted under your reseller account, and you can manage it through your control panel.

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