ClickFunnels vs. WordPress: Which One is Better?

When it comes to online marketing, ClickFunnels is one of the biggest names you will find around these days. But just like ClickFunnels, WordPress is another web-building platform that can help market your business and attract more customers. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see professional users utilize these two online platforms to grow their businesses. With these two platforms, you can create beautiful websites or sales funnels. Unfortunately, you might be unable to use both together sometimes, forcing you to choose just one. This article will compare Clickfunnels vs. WordPress to help you decide the best platform for your purpose.

The Basis For This Comparison

Building your business requires you to select the right and best possible platforms to avoid being disadvantaged against your competitors. You have to choose the right builder that offers robust features. At this stage, one thing cannot be argued, the best platforms must have powerful features that suit your business needs. Interestingly, this highlights what necessitated this comparison between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress, as both channels have great features. As a matter of fact, if we are to be more critical, ClickFunnels and WordPress are pretty different from each other and are not necessarily rivals. 

ClickFunnels is better suited for creating a profitable sales funnel; therefore, ClickFunnels is better tailored to selling products. On the other hand, WordPress is a tool used to build common and different varieties of websites such as eCommerce websites, company sites, blogging sites, profile sites, portfolios, and a lot more.

This article is further divided into two aspects. First, we will briefly highlight what both ClickFunnels and WordPress individually represent. After this, we will draw out the differences between ClickFunnels and WordPress and highlight their merits and demerits. Hopefully, this provides you with all the necessary information you need to choose between both platforms as to the one most ideal for your business.

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a marketing tool that allows you to easily sell your products and services online. Indeed, you can sell almost anything on it. Think about anything, be it a physical product, a webinar, an online course, a digital product, a health supplement, or maybe even your own self; ClickFunnels is one the best platforms you can rely on for this. However, one interesting fact many people need to be made aware of about ClickFunnels is that it is a sales funnel builder primarily before anything else. Consequently, it is an alternative to building your personal landing pages within a tool like WordPress and not having to stress yourself with endless plugins. To cut a long story short, even though ClickFunnels and WordPress are a lot different, they can sometimes handle the same tasks, and this is where these comparisons are drawn from.

What Do You Need To Know About WordPress?

WordPress is a tool that is definitely familiar to a lot of us. It is an online and open-source website creation tool written in PHP. Not only is it one of the easiest blogging and website content management systems (or CMS) available these days, but it is also one of the most powerful and efficient. Indeed, this tool is a fantastic website platform for different types of websites. Due to its versatility, it has been used to build a wide variety of websites for things like e-commerce, business, and portfolio websites, to mention a few. WordPress comes free, and you can download it for self-hosted installations from its official website, Not only this, but you can also use it as a hosted service via

At some point, it was common for people to use WordPress as their online marketing channel, and this was after the trend shifted from blogs. Some things you get in blogs are also available in WordPress, such as attractive design and features but with more quality. However, WordPress affords you more power to customize and personalize the face of your pages.

The advancement of technology led to the introduction of new channels, and as such, we now have sales channels as the tools used for marketing.

Strengths, Weaknesses, And Differences Between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress

At this stage, we will quickly highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these two platforms. Also, we will highlight certain factors about the platforms and use them to draw out the differences between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress and the areas where each has leverage over the other. In doing so, you can make a more informed decision on which platform suits your business needs. 

Below, we will discuss in detail how these two platforms stand against each other.

Proper Functioning With Paid Advertisements

The first factor we will use to draw the differences between the two platforms is how they function with Paid advertisements. The first to be considered here will be ClickFunnels. 

There are plenty of reasons to love Clickfunnels, but it’s so popular because it integrates well with paid advertising platforms. If you’re running ads on Facebook, Google, or anywhere else, Clickfunnels makes it easy to send people to specific landing pages and track conversions.

With WordPress, you can create landing pages, but you’ll need to use a plugin or third-party service to track your conversions. And even then, it’s not always as seamless as it is with Clickfunnels.

Therefore, if you intend to run paid advertisements, Clickfunnels is undoubtedly the way to go and will ultimately save you time and money.

Level of Customization

Another point to be considered as we highlight the difference between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress is the customization level. That is, how well you can personalize them. Under this factor, the first platform to be considered is WordPress. This powerful and efficient tool enables you to design virtually all aspects of your website. No doubt, the level of customization allowed is very high. This will help you to tailor your website to the specificities of your business. Yes, you can build and tweak your website to specific requirements such as colors, images, tags, layout, and many more. The possibilities are endless. Besides the standard functionalities, you have thousands of plugins that can incorporate extra features. Although some of these extras are paid while some come for free. Moreover, you are also able to publish on WordPress.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, lacks most of these extra features, and you cannot add them, restricting how much you can do. This means the amount of customization available is not huge, and you can’t design your website to fit the specificities of your business as you can with WordPress. Clearly, the edge here goes to WordPress.

Knowledge Required For Use

Knowledge is the next factor we will examine as we define the differences between these two channels. Of ClickFunnels and WordPress, which one requires the least knowledge to navigate and use? We are going to start with ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels does not require much knowledge from you. Even as a novice or a beginner new to e-commerce, there are pre-designed templates you can use instead of creating landing pages or sales funnels from scratch.

This is not precisely the case with WordPress. Let’s say you are ready to spend the time and build your website with WordPress. You might be hampered by limited knowledge as it requires more expertise and knowledge than ClickFunnels, and it is more challenging to navigate and use. You’ll need to learn a lot to set up WordPress on your own. If not, setting up a simple WordPress site may take you several hours because there are so many things you will have to do. You will definitely need to choose a theme and plugins, to mention a few. Then you have the rigorous process of creating sales channels on a platform that originally was not designed for that purpose. There are also many other things to consider, such as hosting, domain costs, etc. 

Suppose you are the type that has little to no technical knowledge. In that case, it will be a great challenge for you to integrate hundreds of features. In this regard, ClickFunnels has a definite advantage over WordPress.

The Efficiency Of Use With Organic Traffic And SEO

At this point, to further compare and highlight how ClickFunnels vs. WordPress are different, we are moving on to discuss how well they work with organic traffic and SEO. The first platform to be looked into here will be WordPress. WordPress is best used with organic traffic and SEO because it is perfect for content-based websites, and you only use search engines for content, not products. 

Furthermore, another thing is that you are ordinarily likely to want to do SEO on your content if you wish to increase organic traffic. As such, WordPress is what you need and should advisably go for if you are ready to do SEO or you are after organic traffic. It is also important to remember that organic traffic is free, and you do not need to spend any money to gain it. By implication, it means WordPress is best suited for blogging as a hobby, in which case you are not looking forward to making a profit. Of course, this does not in any way connote that organic traffic cannot bring you leads, as it definitely can.

Nevertheless, this is not what you get with ClickFunnels, and the platform is inefficient to use in conjunction with organic traffic and SEO. Thus, the winner here is evidently WordPress. Indeed, you are better off using WordPress regarding SEO and organic traffic.

Membership Website

We continue to analyze the various strengths and weaknesses of ClickFunnels vs. WordPress and what each is better than the other at by moving on to the next factor. The next factor to consider is memberships, and we will start with ClickFunnels. One exciting feature of ClickFunnels is the way its membership website works. It allows you to totally personalize your membership website. This means that you can additionally provide access to your clients to anything you wish in just a matter of clicks. Furthermore, you can also set a membership fee before a customer can see or access any given content.

Moreover, the membership feature allows you to send emails and keep totally different rules. As such, you only evaluate your clients when you so wish. All these options make for an easy build of the membership website. In conclusion, the platform allows you to create membership sites quickly and easily.

This is in total contrast to the way things are with WordPress. Membership websites under this platform do not come easy and demand a lot from you. If you want to have membership features with WordPress, then you will need to install a plugin that might be free or paid, and this feature does not come built-in to WordPress. Therefore, the better choice is, no doubt, ClickFunnels.

Time Efficiency

Time is critical. It is often said that time is money and that time is also life. Time is usually one of the most significant considerations in everything we do. The shorter the time required, the better it is for us in most situations. This is why we cannot but consider time as a factor for the dissimilarity between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress. Therefore, the question here is straightforward: which saves you more time – WordPress or ClickFunnels?

Sincerely speaking, this is the most significant merit of using ClickFunnels. The sales funnel platform saves you time, and utilizing it requires less time than WordPress and many other related platforms.

WordPress is definitely on the other end of the spectrum regarding time efficiency. Although you can manually create your own marketing funnels and also customize them to your satisfaction on the platform, one thing is sure – you will be spending days, weeks, or even more time doing that. So, you have to ask yourself: Is it really worth it?

First, setting up a simple WordPress site can take hours, as you must choose themes, plugins, and more. The fact is that, in terms of everything you are going to do, that is merely the tip of the iceberg. Unless you do not have any other tasks to do, it is not advisable to waste such an amount of productive time. Then, after going through all the stress, you will still have to test if the sales funnel is even working. Imagine that! Without further doubt, WordPress is by far the loser under this factor. 

It is all these flaws that the creators of ClickFunnels saw and, therefore, developed a tool that gives the user not just a streamlined but also an efficient way of creating marketing funnels. Thus, with ClickFunnels, you can develop a functional sales funnel and start attracting leads immediately, all in just a matter of minutes. The answer here is clear. Regarding time effectiveness, ClickFunnels beats WordPress, and by quite some margin.

A Supportive Community

Our list of the factors determining the differences between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress continues as we move to another point which is a supportive community. The idea here is to consider the existing communities for both platforms and help you choose the better one. This is another angle that could influence your better choice from these two platforms.

We start with ClickFunnels, which has an active Facebook group and an affiliate marketing group called Avengers. They are powerful, strong, and reliable communities of online merchants, entrepreneurs, and marketers that give the platform solid backing. 

These groups are beneficial and can further enhance your knowledge in the internet marketing space. This is because they regularly share opinions, advice, and tactics you can utilize to improve your business. Not just this alone, they also offer solutions to your problems as you use the platform. Your experience with ClickFunnels is only complete once you are part of this community. Endeavor to actively participate in discussions, take valuable tips and table your challenges for resolution in this community. With this community, ClickFunnels ensures that your resources, circumstances, etc., do not limit you by interacting with great and like minds. 

Although WordPress also has online communities that offer helpful tutorials, tactics, and tips on all its features, they are less active than that of ClickFunnels. While they are helpful, they still need to catch up to the standard set by ClickFunnels communities. The enthusiasm for marketing is not on the same level. Indeed, this underscores another relevant point about ClickFunnels communities. They provide value in the form of skills and knowledge and bring enthusiasm and inspiration.


Another factor that we will be briefly touching to showcase the dissimilarity between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress, as well as their respective strengths and weaknesses, is simplicity.

We start with ClickFunnels, which gives you the best combination of simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. In fact, one of the simplest features of ClickFunnels is the ability to easily gather all the required information from your clients on sales pages. Clickfunnels focuses on creating conversion-optimized landing pages and sales funnels that are simple for your users to navigate. Likewise, ClickFunnels has integrations with some of the most important payment solutions, such as PayPal, Stripe, Infusionsoft, and the like.

Conversely, WordPress lacks this simplicity and does not offer integrations with all these foremost payment solutions like Infusionsoft, PayPal, etc. If you need to integrate a payment gateway on your WordPress site, you will need to install an eCommerce solution like WooCommerce.

Cost Efficiency

Cost efficiency is the last factor to consider as we round up the comparative analysis between these two platforms. As expected, this comes last on the list, not because it is the least important or relevant; if anything, it is arguably the most important for many people. But the recommendable thing is to have value for the amount spent, and Affordability without quality is worse than quality with high cost.

As we have already stated earlier, WordPress functions like a free service. This is in complete contrast to ClickFunnels, which charges you a monthly fee of $147 to $297, depending on your plan. ClickFunnels’ $147 plan provides unlimited pages, 1 domain, 20 funnels, 10,000 contacts per month, and other features. However, the $297 plan gives unlimited access to its functionality, including tools such as Backpack, Actionetics, and the like.

Moving back to WordPress, we can see how much of a polar opposite the two platforms are when it comes to pricing. The fact that the actual content publishing with WordPress comes for free can never be overemphasized. In fact, this is the most significant edge it has over ClickFunnels. Nevertheless, you will still be required to pay for certain things when you use WordPress. Such things include hosting, custom themes, plugins, and domains. Typically, you have to pay around $15 yearly for the domain and $8.95 monthly for hosting, while prices for the plugins and themes vary from time to time. Finally, you can spend as low as $200 or as high as $1000 per year on a website based on its complexity. However, this is still comfortably cheaper than what you get with ClickFunnels.

Clickfunnels Pros

Reliable And Consistent

Clickfunnels is a tool that businesses can use to create sales funnels and landing pages. It is a reliable and consistent platform designed to help companies increase their conversion rates.


Clickfunnels is an easy-to-use platform allowing businesses to create and launch high-converting sales funnels quickly. The platform is simple to use and requires no technical expertise or coding knowledge.

Mobile Response Templates

Clickfunnels has various mobile responsive templates designed to look great on all devices. This is important for businesses as it ensures that their sales funnels and landing pages always look professional and appealing to potential customers.

Easy To Setup Funnels And Landing Pages

Clickfunnels make it easy for businesses to set up and launch their sales funnels and landing pages. The platform provides users with everything they need to get started, including templates, tutorials, and support from the Clickfunnels team.

Clickfunnels Cons

It’s Costly

Clickfunnels is a pretty expensive platform. The base plan starts at $147 per month, and the highest plan goes up to $297 per month. You’ll have to upgrade to the Pro plan if you want to use some of the more advanced features, such as A/B testing or affiliate programs.

Not Suitable For SEO

You might be disappointed if you’re planning to use Clickfunnels for an SEO-friendly website. The platform is not particularly suited for SEO, and getting your website to rank high in search engines can be difficult.

Too Simplistic for Some People

Some people find Clickfunnels too simplistic and limiting. The templates and funnel builder are very straightforward, which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your preferences.

WordPress Pros

User-Friendly CMS

One of the main advantages of WordPress is that it is a very user-friendly CMS. People with no technical skills can easily use WordPress to create a website, and WordPress has a simple interface that makes it easy to add content, images, and videos to your website.

Wide Variety Of Plugins

Another advantage of WordPress is that it has a wide variety of plugins. There are plugins for almost everything you can think of, from social media integration to eCommerce. With so many plugins available, you can easily add additional functionality to your website.

Offers Great SEO Capability

WordPress is also great for SEO. It is easy to set up your website in a search engine-friendly way, and many plugins can help you optimize your website for better search engine ranking.

Open Source

Because WordPress is an open-source platform, anyone can contribute to its development. This makes WordPress very flexible and allows developers to create custom themes and plugins for specific needs.

WordPress Cons

Challenging For Beginners

Although WordPress is user-friendly, it can be challenging for beginners to understand how to use all the features and customize their website. It requires a learning curve to become proficient in using WordPress.

Requires Self-Hosting Or A Hosting Provider

WordPress is open-source software that is free to download and use. However, to use WordPress, you must either self-host your website or sign up with a hosting provider. This can be an additional cost for some people.

Website Vulnerability

Since WordPress is open-source software, it is more vulnerable to security threats than closed-source software like Clickfunnels. This means you must be more careful about keeping your WordPress website secure and up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Frequent Updates

WordPress releases new updates regularly, which can be both good and bad. The good thing is that these updates usually include new features and improvements. However, the bad thing is that you must regularly update your WordPress website, which can take time and effort.

Clickfunnels Key Features

A/B Testing

Clickfunnels allows you to A/B test every element on your funnel and landing pages. This is a crucial feature, as it will enable you to fine-tune your conversion rates and optimize your funnels for maximum results.

A/B testing compares two web page versions to see which one performs better. The “A” version is the control, while the “B” version is the variation. The goal is to determine which version converts more visitors into customers or subscribers.

To do this, Clickfunnels will create two identical pages with different elements. For example, you could test two different headlines or call-to-action buttons. Then, Clickfunnels will track the performance of each page and show you which one performed better.

This data is valuable because it allows you to make informed decisions about what works best for your audience. Without A/B testing, you would be guessing what works and what doesn’t, which is a recipe for disaster.

Membership Sites

Another critical feature of Clickfunnels is the ability to create membership sites. This feature allows you to protect your content and restrict access to only paying members.

A membership site would be a great way to deliver your content and protect it from piracy or unauthorized sharing if you sell online courses or digital products.

The process of setting up a membership site with Clickfunnels is relatively simple. First, you need to create a “membership area” within your funnel where you will host your content. Then, you need to create a “signup form” that people must fill out before gaining access to your content.

Once someone submits the signup form, they will be redirected to a “payment page” where they can complete their purchase and gain access to your content. If they don’t pay, they won’t be able to see any of your content – it’s that simple!

Affiliate Programs 

Another great feature of Clickfunnels is the ability to run affiliate programs directly through their software. This means that if you have products or services that you want to promote, then you can do so without having to set up an entirely separate affiliate program.

Running an affiliate program through Clickfunnels has several advantages:

  1. It simplifies the process for both affiliates and merchants.
  2. It allows affiliates to promote products directly through their funnels, increasing conversions.
  3. It gives merchants complete control over their affiliate program, including commissions, payments, and tracking.

Website Hosting Included

Clickfunnels’ inclusion of website hosting is one of its standout features. This is an excellent feature for businesses that want to avoid setting up their own website hosting or want to avoid paying for separate website hosting.

Built-In Email Autoresponder

Another critical feature of Clickfunnels is the built-in email autoresponder. This is an excellent feature for businesses that want to automatically follow up with leads who have signed up for their free trial or who signed up for their email list.

Shopping Cart Features

The last key feature of Clickfunnels is the shopping cart feature. This is an excellent feature for businesses who want to be able to take payments and sell products directly from their Clickfunnels account.

WordPress Key Features

Plugin Marketplace

The WordPress Plugin Marketplace is one of the platform’s most unique and powerful features. It allows you to easily add features and functionality to your website without coding. There are plugins for everything from social media integration to eCommerce platforms. And best of all, many of these plugins are free!

Theme Marketplaces

Another great feature of WordPress is finding and installing themes from various sources. While some paid themes are available, many high-quality free themes can be used for various websites. This gives you the flexibility to change the look and feel of your site without having to start from scratch.

Advanced Customization

If you’re looking for more advanced customization options, WordPress has you covered there as well. With the help of child themes and customizations plugins, you can really make your site look and feel like anything you want it to. The possibilities with WordPress are almost endless if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

Blogging Features

One of the original use cases for WordPress was as a blogging platform, and it remains one of the best platforms for blogging today. With features like post scheduling, categories, tags, and featured images, it’s easy to set up a professional-looking blog on WordPress. And with the rise of social media, it’s easier than ever to promote your blog posts and reach a wider audience.

Content Editor

The Content Editor is one of the most important aspects of any website or blog. It’s where you’ll be creating all of your content, from articles to pages and everything in between. Luckily, WordPress has an excellent content editor that makes it easy to format your content and add media files like images and videos.

ClickFunnels vs. WordPress: Which Is The Better Budget-Friendly Solution?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables businesses to create a website or blog without needing to code everything from scratch. WordPress is free to use, which makes it an excellent option for businesses on a lower budget. Additionally, WordPress has a sizable user and developer community that can assist with troubleshooting and provide support.

Since there are so many themes and plugins for WordPress, businesses have the freedom to tailor their website or blog to their needs. WordPress also offers a variety of features that can be added to a website, such as e-commerce integration, contact forms, and social media integration.

While ClickFunnels is a powerful tool, there are better options for businesses on a lower budget. ClickFunnels costs $147 per month (or $297 per month for the Funnel Hacker plan), which can quickly add up for businesses just starting out. In contrast, WordPress is free to use, which makes it more accessible for companies on a tight budget.

Overall, WordPress is the better option for businesses on a lower budget since it is free to use and offers more flexibility in terms of customization and features.

ClickFunnels vs. WordPress: Generating Leads

If you’re looking to generate leads, Clickfunnels is the better option. Why? Because it’s designed specifically for lead generation, with features that other platforms lack.

For example, Clickfunnels includes a built-in email autoresponder. You can capture leads’ contact information and follow up with them automatically – no need to set up a separate email marketing service. With their high-converting pre-built sales funnels, this already almost justifies the cost of using Clickfunnels because they were built by professional internet marketers and are already highly optimized. 

Clickfunnels also offers shopping cart features, which makes it easy to sell products and services directly from your landing pages. Again, this streamlines the lead generation process by keeping everything in one place. 

Finally, Clickfunnels’ pricing plans are structured around lead generation. Their “Basic” plan starts at $147 per month and includes all the mentioned features. 

So if you’re looking to generate leads, Clickfunnels is a clear choice.

ClickFunnels vs. WordPress: The Verdict

Choosing between ClickFunnels vs. WordPress can be pretty dicey. Nevertheless, our review has shown that ClickFunnels is clearly better than WordPress regarding features and other factors determining the platform’s functionality. However, WordPress is free and only requires payments for add-ons and integrated apps; therefore, it wins in terms of pricing. Finally, the ball is in your court to choose between functionality and pricing.

We hope you enjoyed this Clickfunnels vs. WordPress comparison, and please check out the rest of our website for other interesting comparisons!


Can I Build A Profitable Business With Clickfunnels?

Yes, you can build a profitable business with ClickFunnels. The platform is designed to help companies increase their conversion rates and make more money. Many successful businesses use ClickFunnels, and there is no reason you can’t be one of them. 

Who is Clickfunnels Aimed At?

Clickfunnels is aimed at businesses of all sizes who want to increase their conversion rates and make more money. It is an excellent platform for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even large enterprises. If you are a professional internet marketer, you will appreciate the number of features that Clickfunnels offers and the quality of pre-built sales funnels and landing page templates. 

Is Clickfunnels Worth The Money?

Yes, Clickfunnels is worth the money. The platform offers many features and tools to help businesses increase their conversion rates and make more money. If you’re serious about making money online, Clickfunnels is an excellent investment.

Why Are Leadpages And Clickfunnels Different? 

Leadpages and Clickfunnels are both software-as-a-service companies that offer landing page creation and optimization tools. The most significant difference between the two is that Leadpages is focused on creating simple landing pages, while Clickfunnels is focused on building sales funnels. Sales funnels are a series of pages designed to take a visitor from awareness to purchase, and they typically include an opt-in page, a thank-you page, and a sales page. Leadpages does offer some funnel templates, but they are less robust than the ones provided by Clickfunnels.

Why Is WordPress The Most Popular CMS?

WordPress is the most popular CMS because it is user-friendly, offers various plugins and themes, and is very customizable. WordPress is also open source, meaning anyone can contribute to its development.

Which Is The Fastest WordPress Theme?

Many fast WordPress themes are available, but it depends on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular fast WordPress themes include GeneratePress, Astra, Beaver Builder Theme, and Divi.

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