Unbounce vs. Webflow: Which Platform Is Better?

With so many landing page software options on the market, it can take time to determine which is best for you and your business. Suppose you’re looking for an affordable, simple solution that lets you create custom responsive landing pages without knowing how to code. In that case, the two most viable options are Unbounce and Webflow. But which should you choose? To assist you in making a decision, this article will compare Unbounce vs. Webflow.

Unbounce Overview

Unbounce is a powerful landing page-building tool that gives users everything they need to create high-converting landing pages. Unbounce enables anyone to create landing pages with a large selection of templates, third-party integrations, split testing, and a 14-day free trial.

The best part about Unbounce is that it requires no programming or design knowledge; all you need to do is select a template, add your content, and publish. Unbounce has many integrations, so you can connect your landing page to the rest of your marketing stack. 

Unbounce Pros

Great Landing Page Builder

Unbounce’s superior landing page builder is one of its best features. With Unbounce, you can easily create beautiful, high-converting landing pages without needing any coding knowledge. Plus, there are dozens of landing page templates to choose from, so you can get started quickly and easily.

Third-Party Integrations

Another great thing about Unbounce is that it integrates with various third-party tools and services. You can easily add features like email capture forms, live chat widgets, and more to your landing pages. And if you’re using other marketing tools like Google Analytics, you can easily connect them to Unbounce.

Wide Variety Of Landing Page Templates

As we’ve already mentioned, one of Unbounce’s best features is the availability of a large selection of expertly created landing page templates. This means you can create a high-converting landing page in minutes without designing anything from scratch. Plus, all the templates are fully customizable, so you can make them look exactly how you want.

Split Testing

If you want to maximize your conversion rate, split testing is a must. And luckily, Unbounce makes it easy to split-test your landing pages. You can make several variations of your landing page with just a few clicks and compare various components to one another (like headlines, images, call-to-actions, etc.). Then, once you find a winning combination, you can implement it on your live site for even better results.

14-Day Free Trial

Last but not least, Unbounce offers a 14-day free trial, so you can try out the platform and see if it’s right for you before committing to a paid plan.

Unbounce Cons

Form Builder Lacks Critical Features

Although the Unbounce form builder is a fantastic tool for creating landing pages, it needs some essential features to enhance its effectiveness for marketing campaigns. For example, it does not allow for custom fields or field validation, which can be necessary for ensuring accurate data collection. Additionally, the form builder does not have an auto-responder function, so you need to set up a separate email campaign to communicate with leads who fill out your forms.

Quite Costly

Unbounce is one of the pricier landing page builders on the market. Their cheapest plan starts at $90 per month, and their most expensive plan is $575 per month. If you need more than 500 conversions per month on your landing pages, Unbounce can become quite costly as you would need to upgrade to their higher plans.

Not Great For Building Websites

While Unbounce is an excellent landing page builder, there are better tools for building full websites. If you need to create a website with multiple pages and complex navigation, you will likely be better off using a traditional website builder like WordPress or Squarespace.

Slight Learning Curve

There is a slight learning curve associated with using Unbounce, as there is with most tools that offer such a high degree of customization. However, creating beautiful and effective landing pages with Unbounce is relatively easy once you get the hang of things.

No 24/7 Customer Support

One downside of using Unbounce is that they do not offer 24/7 customer support. If you run into any problems while using the platform, you will need to wait until business hours to get help from their team.

Webflow Overview

Webflow is a cloud-based website builder that enables users to create responsive websites without writing code. The platform includes a drag-and-drop visual editor, pre-built templates, and hosting. Webflow also offers eCommerce, CMS, and blogging features.

Vlad Magdalin, Sergie Magdalin, and Chris Crawford founded Webflow in 2013. The business’s main office is in San Francisco, California.

Since its launch, Webflow has been used by over 1 million people to build websites and has multiplied over recent years.

Webflow Pros

Lots Of Templates Available

Webflow offers a wide variety of templates for different types of websites. A template is available to meet your needs, whether you require a straightforward one-page website or a more intricate multi-page site. Many customization options are available to make your site look exactly how you want it to.

Many Customization Options Available

You have total control over the appearance and feel of your website with Webflow. You can customize everything from the colors and fonts to the layout and design. If you’re unhappy with one of the default templates, you can create your own custom template from scratch.

Great SEO Features

Webflow automatically generates clean and semantic code, which is vital for good SEO. Additionally, adding alt text and meta tags to your images is simple and can raise your website’s search engine rankings.

Fully Responsive Sites

All websites created with Webflow are automatically responsive, meaning they will look great on any device, from mobile phones to tablets to desktop computers. This is extremely important in today’s world, where more and more people are accessing the internet on their mobile devices.

Webflow University

If you’re new to web design or want to learn more about using Webflow, check out Webflow University. You can learn all there is to know about using this robust platform from the wealth of tutorials and resources available here.

Webflow Cons

Steep Learning Curve

Webflow has a steep learning curve. While it is relatively easy to use, it can take some time to get familiar with the interface and features, which can be frustrating for those looking for an easy-to-use platform.

Confusing Pricing Structure

The pricing structure for Webflow can be confusing for some users. A few different plans are available, each with different features and prices. Understanding what you’re paying for can be confusing for beginners as there is a lot of technical jargon you may need help understanding. If you need help understanding their pricing plans, we suggest contacting Webflow first before signing up for any of their plans. 

Limited eCommerce Features

While Webflow offers some eCommerce features, they are limited compared to other platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce. It lacks some advanced features like abandoned cart recovery or multi-currency features. If you are looking for a platform with more robust eCommerce capabilities, there may be better choices than Webflow. 

No Mobile App Available

Webflow does not yet have a mobile app, which can be inconvenient for users who require access to their site while on the go.

Traffic Limits

There are traffic limits in place on all Webflow plans. You will need to upgrade to a higher plan if your site gets too much traffic.

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Key Features

Unbounce Key Features

Some of Unbounce’s main features are discussed below:

Drag-And-Drop Builder

The drag-and-drop builder offered by Unbounce is one of the easiest to use available. This feature allows you to create custom landing pages without coding or hiring a developer. Select the elements you want to include on your page and drag them into place. You can also customize the look and feel of your pages with Unbounce’s built-in themes and templates.

100+ Landing Page Templates

Unbounce offers over 100 landing page templates designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. Whether you’re looking for a simple lead capture page or a more complex sales page, Unbounce has a template that will suit your needs. And if you’re not satisfied with any of the existing templates, you can always create your own custom template using Unbounce’s drag-and-drop builder.

A/B Testing

Any marketer looking to increase their conversion rates must use A/B testing. With Unbounce, you can easily create multiple versions of your landing pages and test variations to see which performs better. This allows you to optimize your pages for higher conversion rates constantly.

Mobile-Responsive Design

Your landing pages must be optimized for mobile devices in today’s mobile-first world. You can trust Unbounce to deliver fully responsive landing page templates that look great on all screen sizes. This way, you won’t ever have to be concerned about missing out on leads or customers because your mobile site isn’t optimized.

Popups and Sticky Bar Features

Unbounce also offers powerful lead capture features like popups and sticky bars, which can prompt visitors to sign up for your email list or download a white paper or e-book. And like everything else in Unbounce, these features are easy to use and customize.

Unlimited Users

Having an unlimited number of users on your account is one of Unbounce’s best features. This is great for companies with multiple team members who need to be able to access the account, as well as for agencies who manage multiple client accounts.

Version Control

Unbounce also has a great feature called “version control.” This enables you to save various versions of your pages so that you can return and make changes as needed. This is a great way to experiment with different designs and see what works best for your business.

Page Duplication

Another great feature of Unbounce is the ability to duplicate pages. This is helpful if you want to design a similar page for a different campaign or apply the same page template to different clients.

Fast Content Delivery

Unbounce uses a CDN(Content Delivery Network), ensuring that your pages load quickly and efficiently. This is important for user experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

Automatic SSL Encryption

Unbounce also offers automatic SSL encryption for all of your pages. This means that your pages will be secure and encrypted, providing an extra layer of security for your business.

GDPR Compliant

Unbounce is GDPR compliant. This means that it meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. The regulation requires companies to protect the personal data of EU citizens. Unbounce does this by ensuring that all data is encrypted and that only authorized personnel can access it.


Unbounce integrates with many popular marketing and CRM tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot. This lets you quickly transfer your leads from Unbounce to your other systems.

Style Guide

Unbounce provides a style guide that helps you create consistent and professional-looking pages. The guide includes templates for common page elements, such as headers, footers, and forms.

AI Writer

The AI Writer is a tool that helps you create high-converting landing pages, and it uses artificial intelligence to analyze your existing pages and suggest improvements.

Custom Mobile Pages

Unbounce allows you to create custom mobile pages that are optimized for conversion. You can use the same page builder interface to create both desktop and mobile versions of your pages.

Webflow Key Features

Some of Webflow’s main features are discussed below:

Excellent Page Loading Times

Webflow’s page loading times are among the fastest in the industry. This is due to several factors, including their use of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) and optimized code.

100+ Responsive Website Templates

Webflow has a wide selection of responsive website templates that are perfect for businesses of all sizes. From small businesses to large enterprises, there is a template that will suit your needs.

Motion Design

Webflow’s motion design features are second to none. With their easy-to-use interface, you can create sophisticated animations and effects that will add a layer of polish to your website.

CMS (Content management system)

Webflow’s CMS is one of the most user-friendly and comprehensive in the industry. With it, you can easily manage all your website’s content from one central location. Additionally, the CMS has a built-in blog, so you can easily keep your website up-to-date with fresh content.

SEO Features

Webflow’s SEO features are top-notch and will help you get your website seen by more people in search engines like Google and Bing. With their easy-to-use interface, you can easily add title tags, meta descriptions, alt text, and more to each website page.

2,000+ Web Font Families

Webflow gives you access to over 2,000 web font families from within the platform. This means you can easily change the font of your entire website with just a few clicks. And because all of the fonts are served from Google Fonts, you can be confident that they will render correctly on all devices.

Share your work

Webflow makes it easy to share your work with others. Just click the “Share” button in the top bar, and you’ll be given a link to share with anyone. You can also choose to make your project public, which will allow anyone to view it.

Custom Branding

With Webflow, you can easily add your own branding to your website. Just click the “Branding” tab in the settings panel, and upload your logo, favicon, and custom CSS.


Webflow integrates with several third-party services, such as Google Analytics and MailChimp. You can even use Zapier for additional third-party integrations. 


Webflow’s lightbox feature allows you to create popup windows when a user clicks on a particular element on your page. This is a great way to display additional information or prompt users to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Website Backups And Versioning

Webflow automatically backs up your site every time you make a change, so you can always revert back to a previous version if needed. Additionally, you can create multiple versions of your site and test out different designs before making them live. This is especially helpful if you’re working on a large redesign project and want to try out other ideas before settling on one.

CSS Grid–Powered Layouts

Webflow’s layouts are powered by a CSS grid, which gives you more control over how your content is displayed on the screen. You can create complex layouts with a CSS grid without using floats or absolute positioning, making responsive designs that look great on all devices easier.

CSS Properties

In addition to the standard CSS properties, Webflow offers some unique ones that can be very helpful in creating beautiful and responsive designs. For example, the “min-width” property allows you to set a minimum width for an element, which can help ensure that images always stay within their containers on mobile devices.

Password Protection

Webflow allows you to password-protect individual pages or your entire site with just a few clicks. This is a helpful feature if you’re still working on your website and need more time to be ready to allow the public to view it. 

Regarding features, Webflow wins hands down since it is a website builder, and it naturally has a more versatile set of features than Unbounce. While Webflow has more features, it requires a higher skill level to use them effectively. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Ease Of Use

When it comes to usability, Unbounce is hands down the winner. The platform is simple to use and intuitive, and it has everything you need in one convenient location to build landing pages with a high conversion rate. You can make gorgeous landing pages without any prior experience and without messing around with code or hiring a developer.

While Webflow is also really simple to use, a little more complexity is involved.

Creating Pages is Simple and Intuitive

Creating pages on Unbounce is straightforward. The platform offers a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to add and customize content and powerful page-building tools that let you create complex layouts without touching a single line of code. And if you do need some help, Unbounce’s extensive Knowledge Base and 24/7 customer support are always just a click away.

No Prior Experience Required

You don’t need any prior experience to build landing pages on Unbounce. Thanks to the platform’s user-friendly interface and simple navigation, anyone can start making high-converting pages right away. With Unbounce’s drag-and-drop editor and robust page-building tools, you can create stunning landing pages even if you’ve never built a website before.

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Conversion Rates

Unbounce already has highly-optimized conversion-based templates which you can use. It also has AI backing, which allows you to achieve better conversion rates. What’s more, Unbounce provides A/B testing capabilities to test different variations of your landing pages and see which one performs better. With Unbounce, you can be sure that you’re always using the most effective version of your landing page.

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Customer Support

Unbounce offers outstanding customer support. They have an extensive knowledge base with in-depth tutorials and articles. Additionally, they have a committed user base always willing to assist. Unbounce employs a devoted group of courteous and supportive customer service agents.

Webflow, on the other hand, could have better customer support. Their knowledge base is pretty good, and you should have the answers to most of your questions there, but their support channels could be better than Unbounce. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: User Experience

Webflow and Unbounce provide excellent user experiences, which comes down to personal preference. If you want to build a professional-looking website, then Webflow is the better option. If you’re trying to create high-converting landing pages, then Unbounce would be the preferred option. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Conversion Tracking Capabilities

Unbounce Tracks More Data

Unbounce tracks more data than Webflow, making it easier to see which campaigns are performing well and which need improvement. With Unbounce, you can track conversion rates, traffic sources, device types, and more. This data is essential for optimizing your campaigns and improving your conversion rate.

Unbounce Has Better Reporting

Unbounce’s reporting is more detailed and informative than Webflow’s. With Unbounce, you can see how many people converted and how much revenue was generated from each campaign. This data is vital for understanding which campaigns are most effective at generating leads and sales.

Unbounce Offers More Customization

Unbounce offers more customization options than Webflow, so you can track the most critical data. With Unbounce, you can create custom reports and dashboards to track the metrics that matter most to your business. This flexibility allows you to effectively analyze your data and optimize your conversion tracking strategy.

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Integrations

We’ve seen that Webflow and Unbounce are fantastic platforms with much to offer. Unbounce triumphs over the competition in terms of integrations, though.

Unbounce offers far more integrations than Webflow does. This means you’ll be able to connect Unbounce to more of the tools and services you use, making your workflow more efficient.

Some of the notable integrations that Unbounce offers include:

  • Salesforce
  • Marketo
  • HubSpot
  • Google Analytics
  • WordPress
  • AWeber

These are merely a handful of the numerous integrations that Unbounce provides. It is worth noting, though, that both Unbounce and Webflow can use Zapier to integrate with over 100’s of apps. However, Webflow’s integrations are more focused on SEO optimization. 

Unbounce is a better option if you’re searching for a platform that will provide you with more options for integrating with other applications and services.

Unbounce vs. Webflow: SEO

Webflow is better for SEO because it automatically generates clean and semantically correct code. This makes it easier for search engines to index and rank your site. Additionally, Webflow automatically generates sitemaps and robots.txt files, which helps search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. With Webflow, you can easily change meta titles and descriptions, and you can also easily add alt tags to your images.

Webflow is also built on a responsive design framework, which is essential for SEO because it ensures that your site will render correctly on all devices. This is crucial for SEO because Google now uses mobile-first indexing, meaning that your site’s mobile version is used to determine your rankings.

Unbounce isn’t as geared towards SEO as Webflow, and Unbounce mainly focuses on conversion optimization, which is one key area where these two platforms differ. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Pricing

Unbounce Plans And Pricing


The Launch plan is Unbounce’s most basic plan, and it’s also their cheapest. For $90/month, you’re allowed 500 conversions, 20,000 visits per month, hosting one domain, allowing up to 2 users, and unlimited client sub-accounts. You also get access to some of Unbounce’s core features which include:

  • Smart Builder 
  • Unbounce Apps 
  • Optimized Page Sections 
  • Style Guide
  • Copy Assistant 
  • Design Assistant 
  • Copy Insights 
  • Builder Grid 
  • Mobile Breakpoints 
  • Mobile-Responsive Design 
  • Multi-Device Page Preview 
  • Conversion Goals 
  • Integrations & Webhooks 
  • Classic Builder 
  • Popups & Sticky Bars 
  • Fully Customizable Templates 
  • Real-Time Conversion Analytics 
  • Speed Boost 
  • Auto Image Optimizer 


The Optimize plan costs $135/month and allows you up to 1,000 conversions, 30,000 unique visitors, up to 5 domains, and unlimited users. This plan includes all the features from the Launch plan and also includes the following features listed below:

  • A/B Testing
  • Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR)
  • Smart Traffic
  • Visitor Attributes
  • Time-To-Learn
  • Conversion mapping
  • Smart traffic reports


The Accelerate plan is available for $225/month and allows up to 2,500 conversions, 50,000 visitors, and 10 domains. In addition to all features in the Optimize plan, the accelerate plan also comes with Advanced Targeting & Scheduling.


The Concierge plan is Unbounce’s top-of-the-line option, costing $575/month. This plan includes all the lower plan features and gives you 5,000+ conversions per month, 100,000+ visitors per month, and allows you to host 25+ domains. 

Webflow General Site Plans


Webflow’s basic plan is perfect for small businesses or individuals just starting with web design and includes everything you need to create a simple website, including hosting, a custom domain, 500 monthly form submissions, 50 GB bandwidth, and email support. The basic plan is $14 per month, and this plan also comes with these additional features:


The CMS plan is ideal for companies or individuals who require a little more than just a basic website. It includes all of the features of the basic plan, plus 2,000 CMS items, 1,000 monthly form submissions, 200 GB bandwidth, and up to 3 guest editors. 


The business plan is ideal for organizations or people who require a complete website solution. It includes all of the features of the CMS plan plus 10,000 CMS items, 2,500 monthly form submissions, 400 GB bandwidth, and ten guest editors. The business plan is $39 per month.


The enterprise plan is ideal for companies or individuals requiring a total web solution with all the bells and whistles. Pricing for this plan depends on your requirements, and for pricing, you will need to contact Webflow first. 

Webflow Ecommerce Site Plans


The most affordable option for using Webflow to build an eCommerce site is the Standard plan. For $42 per month, users are allowed up to 500 items and are limited to a $50k annual sales volume and three staff accounts. You’re also charged a 2% transactional fee in addition to Stripe and Paypal processing fees. This plan is best for small businesses or individuals who are just getting started with online selling.


The Plus plan is the next step up from Standard and is best suited for businesses with higher sales volume. For $84 per month, users are allowed up to 1,000 items, $200k annual sales volume, and ten staff accounts. There are no transaction fees on this plan. 


The Advanced plan is the top-tier eCommerce option from Webflow and is designed for large businesses with high-volume sales. For $235 per month, there is no annual sales volume limit, and you can have up to 3,000 items in your store. You are also allowed to have up to 15 staff accounts. As with the Plus plan, there are no transaction fees with this plan either. 

We can’t really reach a winner regarding pricing, as it depends on what you’re after. Both platforms are pretty expensive when you compare them to their rivals, and Unbounce and Webflow target different audiences, so we can’t pick a winner in this category. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Main Differences

Webflow Offers More Features

Webflow offers more features than Unbounce, including eCommerce functionality, CMS integration, and the ability to create more complex websites. However, some of these features come at an additional cost.

Unbounce Offers More Customization Options

Unbounce provides more options for customization than Webflow, allowing you to create unique landing pages tailored to your specific needs. Webflow doesn’t have the same level of customization ability that Unbounce offers.

Unbounce Is Better For Conversion Rate Optimization

Unbounce is designed explicitly for conversion rate optimization, offering features such as A/B testing and lead capture forms. While Webflow does offer some similar features, they are not as robust or easy to use as the ones provided by Unbounce.

Webflow’s Analytics Aren’t As Detailed

Webflow’s analytics are less detailed than those offered by Unbounce, making it difficult to track your website’s performance over time. However, Webflow does offer integrations with Google Analytics and other third-party tools that can provide more detailed data.

Unbounce Offers Better Customer Support

Unbounce offers better customer support than Webflow, with 24/7 live chat and phone support available to all users. In contrast, Webflow only provides email support for its free plan and live chat support for its paid plans, and Unbounce also has a slightly better knowledge base. Webflow also offers decent customer support, but Unbounce is excellent.

Webflow Is Better For SEO Purposes

If you’re a blogger and/or an SEO expert, Webflow would be the better option, as websites generally tend to rank better in Google. Additionally, Webflow has a few more SEO features that make it more suitable for people trying to rank their websites higher in Google. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Main Reasons To Choose Unbounce

You Want To Build Landing Pages

If you’re building a landing page or multiple pages, Unbounce is the better choice. With Unbounce, you can create a high-converting landing page without worrying about coding or design. Plus, Unbounce offers a wide range of templates and features to choose from, so you can create a perfect landing page for your business.

You’re Focused On Conversion Optimization

If your main goal is to increase conversions—whether that’s sales, leads, or signups—then Unbounce is the better choice. With powerful features like A/B testing and dynamic text replacement, Unbounce makes it easy to test different versions of your landing page and find the one that converts the best.

You’re Building A Mailing List

If you’re looking to build a mailing list, then Unbounce is the better choice. With Unbounce’s lead generation tools, it’s easy to capture leads from your landing pages and turn them into subscribers. Plus, with features like auto-responders and email integrations, it’s easy to stay in touch with your new subscribers and keep them engaged.

You Prefer Ease Of Use

If you want a landing page builder that’s easy to use—even if you don’t have any coding or design experience—then Unbounce is the better choice. Unbounce’s drag-and-drop editor and user-friendly interface make it simple to create stunning landing pages without any hassles.

You Need Detailed Analytics

If you need detailed analytics on your landing pages—such as heatmaps, scroll maps, and visitor recordings—then Unbounce is the better choice. Unbounce also has a wider variety of integrations, so you can use specific third-party tools to get even more valuable insights into how people react to your landing pages. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Main Reasons To Choose Webflow

You Have Some Web Development Knowledge

If you’re already familiar with web development, then you’ll find Webflow is a much more powerful tool. With Webflow, you have total control over the website’s code, allowing you to customize it however you please. You can also use Webflow to create custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

You’re Running An Ecommerce Store

If you’re running an eCommerce store, Webflow is a much better choice. With Webflow, you can create a custom online store to convert visitors into customers. With Webflow’s built-in eCommerce features, you’ll easily manage your inventory, track orders, and process payments.

You Want A More Advanced Website Builder

If you want a more advanced website builder, then you’ll find that Webflow is the better choice. With its advanced features and flexibility, Webflow allows you to build unique and custom-tailored websites for your specific needs. If you were using a platform like Wix in the past, then Webflow would be a step up in many cases due to its high level of functionality. 

You Want An SEO Optimized Website

Webflow is the superior option if you are prioritizing SEO for your website. Webflow offers additional SEO features not provided with Unbounce that make it easier to rank your website in Google. 

Unbounce vs. Webflow: Conclusion

The decision to use either Unbounce or Webflow depends on your needs and your budget. If you are looking for more flexibility, need advanced features, or are a professional designer, then you should go with Webflow since it has more of a design focus than Unbounce. But if you are looking for an easy way to create quick landing pages and are okay with limited customization options, consider using Unbounce instead of Webflow. Before making any commitments, you must determine your needs and how much money you want to spend on a new service because these are the deciding factors.

We hope you enjoyed this Unbounce vs. Webflow comparison, and please do let us know if you have any further questions!


What Are Some Unbounce Alternatives?

There are numerous other well-liked landing page builders available right now. Some of the more well-known options include HubSpot, LeadPages, and Instapage.

Each of these builders has features that may or may not be a good fit for your needs. For example, HubSpot offers a wide range of integrations with other marketing tools, while LeadPages is known for its drag-and-drop builder interface.

It’s essential to take the time to compare all of your options before settling on a landing page builder. That way, you can be sure you’re getting the features and functionality you need.

What Are The Main Features Of Unbounce?

With Unbounce, you can access all the tools you need to build landing pages with high conversion rates. With Unbounce, you can create custom designs using their drag-and-drop builder or choose from one of their many templates.

Unbounce also offers a wide range of features to help you maximize your conversions. These include A/B testing, lead capture forms, and social media integration. With Unbounce’s Zapier integration, you can automatically send your leads to over 700 different apps for further nurturing.

Overall, Unbounce is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a feature-rich landing page builder that can help you increase your conversions.

What Is The Difference Between A Landing Page And a Website?

An online page known as a landing page converts site visitors into leads or customers. The opposite is true for websites, which are collections of pages that typically include a home page, about page, contact page, and blog. While a website is meant to be a general overview of a company or brand, a landing page is intended to be a specific call to action that drives a particular action from the visitor.

When Does A Landing Page Work Best? 

A good rule of thumb is to use a landing page when running a campaign or promotion specific to a product, service, or offer. This could be a time-sensitive discount, a new product launch, or even a contest. By sending your traffic to a dedicated landing page, you can ensure that they see the most relevant information and are more likely to convert.

What Are The Alternatives To Webflow?

There are a few alternatives to Webflow that are worth mentioning:

  1. There is Wix. Wix is a famous website builder that has been around for many years. It has many features, many templates, and it is very user-friendly.
  2. Another well-liked and user-friendly website builder is Weebly. There are numerous features and templates available as well.
  3. There is Squarespace. Squarespace is a popular website builder with a more modern and sleek interface. It is also very user-friendly and offers many features and templates.

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