Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels: Comparing Sales Funnel Builders

If you’re looking for an easy way to create and manage an online sales funnel, you’ve likely heard of the software called Clickfunnels. But Clickfunnels isn’t the only option on the market—plenty of competitors offer similar services, such as Pipeline Pro and SamCart. How do you choose between them? Let’s compare Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels and go over each in depth.

By the end of this article, you should have a clear idea of which marketing tool is the more suitable choice for your business.

Why We Love Clickfunnels

We love Clickfunnels because it is incredibly user-friendly and easy to set up and design end-to-end sales funnels. With over $4.1 Billion in sales processed through Clickfunnels, the platform has earned the trust of over 100,000 users worldwide. Business owners have been struggling with finding more people, driving traffic easily and quickly, and building the lifestyle they desire for years, but ClickFunnels makes it possible. 

The UI/UX is great and ClickFunnels also provides templates for a customized sales funnel, as well as the ability to create one from scratch. Additionally, ClickFunnels offers integrations with other platforms, giving businesses the software they need to make more money. All of these features make ClickFunnels an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create a successful digital business.

What Is A Sales Pipeline?

A sales pipeline is a series of steps that help you to generate leads, convert them into prospects, and then close those prospects. It can be used in various ways, from increasing your website’s conversion rate to generating new clients for your business. The pipeline has five stages:

  • The top of the funnel (top-of-the-funnel)
  • The bottom of the funnel (BOFU)
  • The middle of the funnel (MOFU)
  • The bottom of the sales process (BOS)
  • The top of the sales process (TOS) 

One benefit of using a sales pipeline is that it helps guide your prospect to take the next step towards becoming a customer by following each stage. Another advantage is that pipelines offer scalability, allowing you to divide and conquer, so work isn’t overwhelming when adding new tasks or people. For example, you may have goals related to getting more customers this year as an entrepreneur or business owner.

What is A Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a process by which a company sells its product. The first step in the funnel is usually finding potential customers, and the next step is turning those potential customers into leads and, eventually, paying customers. A sales funnel begins with acquiring new leads who are shown your product or service until they become paying customers. Sales funnels also help you grow because you can analyze different parts, so you know what’s working and what isn’t. 

Sales funnels help make selling easier because you can analyze which parts of your funnel are working and which aren’t. It also lets you track which techniques are paying off so you know where to invest more time and money.  

What is Pipeline Pro?

Pipeline Pro is a software service that provides marketing automation. Pipeline Pro helps you create and send your customers emails, text messages, and push notifications. Pipeline Pro also has a customer relationship management module to help you track customer data and make better decisions about what content to provide them with. Pipeline Pro integrates with other software such as Salesforce, Shopify, QuickBooks Online, Zendesk, WordPress, and Google Analytics. Pipeline offers pricing plans for those just getting started or those who have large teams of people working on their marketing campaigns.

Pipeline Pro Benefits

Pipeline Pro is a service that allows you to create and publish landing pages without writing any code. Pipeline Pro offers many valuable features for marketers, such as the ability to customize the look of your site, traffic tracking, and email integration. 

Pipeline Pro offers an easy-to-use platform that simplifies landing page creation. There’s no need to learn how to code in HTML or CSS, which makes setting up a landing page much faster than trying to build one from scratch. It’s especially beneficial for marketers who don’t know much about coding and want a simple way of creating customized pages without learning a new skill set.

Pipeline Pro Key Features

Pipeline pro is a full-featured sales software designed to help you close deals, manage your leads and pipeline, and nurture your customers. It’s an all-in-one sales solution that allows you to automate your lead generation and follow-up workflows, set up email campaigns, track conversions on any channel, create custom forms to collect information from prospects or customers, organize contacts in lists with different priorities and milestones to map out the best strategy for reaching each one of them.

Here are some of the major features offered by Pipeline Pro:

  • Unlimited Sales Pipelines: Using this feature, you can create unlimited sales pipeline dashboards, which allow you to track and manage all of your sales processes and funnels all the time. 
  • Contact Manager: Pipeline pro has a contact manager feature that allows users to import their contacts into Pipeline Pro and use them as leads in future pipeline cycles. 
  • Track and manage deals: Pipeline pro has a deal tracker to help manage how many deals are being pursued at any given time. Pipeline Pro is used for more than just lead generation and can be used for client management. 
  • A/B testing: A/B Testing is an experiment where two versions of a web page are shown to two sets of visitors (known as cohorts) simultaneously; when done correctly, this can show which version performs better (known as winning). 
  • Conversion tracking: Conversion tracking is a method used by marketers to identify how effective their marketing strategies are. This is done by measuring conversions when your marketing campaign has led to the desired result, such as purchases or form submissions.
  • Website Builder: Website builder is a feature that will allow you to create website pages quickly without knowing HTML code or writing complicated code. A website builder comes included with Pipeline pro, so if you’re looking for both tools in one package, this might be what you’re looking for. There are tons of templates already included, so it’s easy to start building websites right away!
  • Funnel builder: With funnels, you’ll be able to build out the different steps needed for the process that leads your customer down toward making a purchase. 
  • Live chat widget: The live chat widget is included with Pipeline Pro and offers 24/7 customer service for prospects and clients on your site. That means no more wondering whether someone will answer when you contact support–the live chat window lets customers know they’re being assisted, plus the agent who helps them may have additional insights about your product or service because they have access to your entire account.

What is Clickfunnels?

Clickfunnels is a drag-and-drop sales and marketing platform that helps you to create webinars, online courses, membership sites, lead pages, and even run your entire business. Clickfunnels allows you to manage all of your marketing needs under one roof. Clickfunnels saves time by not using multiple tools or hiring different people to do the job. There are three versions of Clickfunnels: The Basic version, which costs $147 per month, the Pro Plan, which costs $197 per month and the Funnel Hacker plan, which costs $297 per month.

Clickfunnels is one of the most popular companies in the Digital marketing industry because it offers everything marketers need to grow their businesses quickly. They also provide more features than their competitors, so it’s easy for customers to see how much better Clickfunnels is than their competitors, like Leadpages and Wix.

Clickfunnels Benefits

One of the main advantages of using Clickfunnels is that it dramatically reduces the amount of guesswork involved in website development or building landing pages. The product handles all the coding, so as long as you know what you want your site to do, everything else is handled by the software. Furthermore, Clickfunnels can also give sites the ability to handle e-commerce needs with minimal effort. This includes sales options and building up an inventory list without you having to do any upfront work.

Clickfunnels has many templates available, which is especially helpful if you are not very knowledgeable about web design or programming. With the help of these templates, individuals who may be less technologically savvy than others can have their own online store without needing to learn how to code or hire someone else to create one for them. In addition, Clickfunnels provides many integrations to make things easier for businesses, such as PayPal integration or Google Analytics integration.

Clickfunnels provides its users with high-converting sales funnels, allowing them to sell products easily without worrying about where those products come from. It saves time and money and allows the users complete control over their business while giving them the tools they need to succeed quickly. Clickfunnels really does simplify selling online.

Clickfunnels Key Features

Clickfunnels has several features that make it a great choice to help you create and manage your website. With Clickfunnels, you can easily create pages, pop-ups, opt-in boxes, and more with the drag-and-drop editor. Clickfunnels also includes A/B testing and split testing tools. Here are some of the critical features that Clickfunnels offers:

  • Email Marketing Automation: The email marketing automation feature in Clickfunnels allows you to set up automated campaigns where your leads receive an email based on their specific actions. For example, suppose they sign up for your newsletter or purchase a product from you. In that case, they may automatically receive an email asking them to share their experience via social media or review the product online.
  • Auto Webinar Funnel: The auto webinar funnel is perfect for anyone who would like to host a webinar without having any technical know-how or time commitment. Choose when and how often you want to hold your webinar, add the URL where people can attend the event, and then let Clickfunnels do all of the work! The auto webinar funnel will generate an opt-in page for you, provide emails to remind attendees about your upcoming event, and even handle everything related to hosting.
  • One-Click Upsells and Downsells: One of the best features of Clickfunnels is its ability to offer one-click upsells and downsells. If someone signs up for your free trial and later decides not to continue after seeing what it offers, this option makes it easy for you to offer something else that might be of interest. This feature is also vital for eCommerce stores looking to increase their Average Order Value and promote upsells to customers.
  • Membership Areas: Another great feature offered by Clickfunnels is the membership area. A membership area (or membership site) provides subscribers with exclusive content, such as videos and other media that is only available to members. Membership areas allow you to restrict access so only those who have paid for the content can view it.

Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels: Major Differences

While both platforms may seem very similar, they have different purposes and target different audiences. Clickfunnels is a funnel builder aimed at online marketers trying to ramp up their lead generation with high-converting landing pages and funnels to squeeze out most of their marketing efforts.

Pipeline Pro, on the hand, is more like a CRM which measures every step your potential customers take from their journey of being a prospect to becoming a paid customer.

One of the most significant differences between Pipeline pro and Clickfunnels is the price. Pipeline pro costs $37 for a lifetime license, while click funnels costs $147/month for the cheapest plan. Because click funnels offer a 14-day free trial, you can use their funnel builder to create your entire sales process before committing to buy. 

Additionally, if you want to create unlimited funnels with their software, they offer a $297/month plan that allows you to create unlimited funnels. Pipeline Pro provides no limits on funnel quantity at $37 once off.

You can use Clickfunnels as an all-in-one marketing platform (with landing pages) or use them as a solution for your sales funnel process. Regardless of which sales funnel software tool you choose, ensure it will integrate well with any other services and tools you already use. 

As you can see, Pipeline pro and Click funnels are very different. If your primary purpose is to build landing pages focusing on lead generation, Clickfunnels may be a better solution for you. On the other hand, if you are primarily focused on using sales funnel software as a tool for your sales process, go with pipeline pro instead.

Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels: Which Option Should I Choose?

Now that you’re familiar with both these platforms and have a pretty good idea of their functions, you should have a broad understanding of which platform is the more suitable choice for you. 

Suppose you intend to build a highly converting sales funnel for cold prospects. In that case, Clickfunnels is undoubtedly the winner, as they already have high-converting funnels available for you to use. 

If you’re looking for a more advanced CRM solution and software that tracks different points of contact with all your customers, then Pipeline Pro is the better choice. 

Either way, Pipeline Pro and Clickfunnels are excellent at what they do, and you will be satisfied with both of them!

Why We Prefer Clickfunnels Over Pipeline Pro?

Here are some of the key reasons why we prefer Clickfunnels and why we believe it is well worth the money for growing your online business:

  • Clickfunnels provides high-converting sales funnels, allowing users to sell products easily without worrying about where they come from.
  • ClickFunnels offers excellent customer service and support.
  • ClickFunnels allows entrepreneurs to create high-converting sales funnels, collect and contact leads, receive payments and build any type of web page.
  • ClickFunnels is much faster than creating a sales funnel from scratch.
  • ClickFunnels is the perfect solution for optimizing lead management and brand delivery in the e-commerce world.
  •  ClickFunnels offers an all-in-one marketing platform specializing in every aspect of a sales funnel.
  • ClickFunnels is the perfect solution for marketing and sales goals, as the entire product is designed to support the sales funnel from lead generation to purchasing.

Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels: Conclusion

Pipeline pro and Clickfunnels are powerful and user-friendly, but each has its own strengths. While they may seem like they serve the same purpose, that is not the case!

Pipeline Pro is for those looking for an easier way to manage interactions and progression with their prospects. This software is terrific in helping you determine how far along the sales process each customer is. 

Clickfunnels is aimed at creating high-converting sales funnels. This can be used for selling physical or software products. Clickfunnels can also be used for lead generation through paid advertising. If you’re advertising on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can use Clickfunnels to promote a lead magnet and get prospects onto your email list. 

As we bring this Pipeline Pro vs. Clickfunnels comparison to an end, it’s essential to know your specific goals before going with either. We hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for reading!

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