Shopify vs. Kajabi: Which Platform is More Suitable for You?

If you intend to sell goods or services online, you may wonder which platform—Shopify or Kajabi—is more appropriate for your requirements. Both platforms provide a wide range of features and advantages, but there are some significant differences to consider before choosing one.

Shopify is a well-known eCommerce platform that allows businesses to build online stores. It offers many features, including support for multiple sales channels, payment options, and third-party integrations. However, it can be more expensive than other platforms and provides fewer built-in marketing tools.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that enables businesses to create beautiful websites, launch digital products, and build membership sites. It offers many features, including customizable built-in themes, marketing pipelines, and webinars. However, it can be more expensive than other platforms and provides fewer sales channels.

This article will compare Shopify vs. Kajabi to help you decide which solution best suits your particular needs. 

What Is Shopify?

Users can build an online store using the Shopify platform. It provides users with a customizable platform, a simple checkout procedure, and a wealth of features.

Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Shopify has been designed to be user-friendly from the ground up. With Shopify, you can build a website that looks professional even if you’ve never done any website design or coding before.

There are two ways to use Shopify: the Shopify website builder or the Shopify POS system. The Shopify website builder is a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to create a professional-looking website without prior experience in web design or coding. The Shopify POS system is an all-in-one solution enabling you to sell your products in person and online.

Shopify is an excellent platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to create a professional-looking website with minimal effort. 

Shopify Pros

User-Friendly Interface

Shopify is one of the easiest eCommerce platforms to use today. Even those without experience in website design or development will find the platform simple to set up and use. The Shopify platform is also constantly updated with new features and security patches, so you can be sure that your online store is always up-to-date.

Support Channels

Shopify offers excellent customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, phone support, and an extensive knowledge base. The company also has a strong presence on social media, so you can always reach out to them if you need a few questions answered.

Variety Of Pre-Built Themes

You can choose a pre-built theme from Shopify’s extensive selection that perfectly matches your brand and style for your online store. Themes are fully customizable, so you can change the colors, fonts, layout, and other elements to match your brand identity. And if you’re not satisfied with any of the pre-built themes, Shopify also offers a custom theme development service.

App Store

The Shopify App Store offers a wide range of plugins and extensions that can help you add new features and functionality to your online store. There are apps for everything from accounting and marketing to shipping and dropshipping, so you can easily find the tools you need to grow your business. And best of all, many of these apps are free or offer free trial periods, so you can try them out before committing to a paid plan.


As your business grows, Shopify will scale with you. The platform offers unlimited products and bandwidth, so you can keep adding new products and accepting more orders without worrying about exceeding your limits. 

Shopify Cons

Pricey Apps

Shopify offers a great app store with various apps to choose from. However, many of these apps come with a price tag. While some apps are free, most will cost you money, which can quickly add up, especially if you need multiple apps for your store.

No Email Hosting

Shopify does not offer email hosting as part of its platform. You must use a third-party service provider, like Mailchimp or Constant Contact, if you want to implement email marketing to promote your online store. This can be an additional cost that you need to factor into your budget.

Shopify Processing Fees

If you use Shopify Payments to process credit card payments, there is a fee of 2% per transaction. This 2% transaction fee is only on the Basic and gets lower on higher Shopify plans.

Limited Template Customization Options

While Shopify offers a wide variety of pre-built themes, they can be limited in terms of customization options. If you want to make significant changes to the look and feel of your store, you may need to hire a developer to help you customize the code, which is an additional cost to your business.

Migration Difficulties

If you’re moving from another eCommerce platform such as Magento or WooCommerce, migrating your data to Shopify can be difficult and time-consuming. There is no one-click solution for migrating data, so you’ll need to export your products, customers, and orders from your old platform and then import them into Shopify manually. This can be time-consuming and frustrating, so it’s essential to factor in the cost of migration when considering Shopify.

Shopify Key Features

POS System(Point-Of-Sale)

Shopify’s POS system is one of the most popular and user-friendly on the market. It allows you to sell your products in person as well as online. The POS system is user-friendly and has a number of features, including:

  • A built-in inventory management system
  • The ability to accept credit and debit cards, as well as cash
  • A barcode scanner
  • A receipt printer

Dropshipping Integrations

Shopify offers several dropshipping integrations, which makes it easy to start selling products online. You don’t need to maintain any inventory when you sell products using the dropshipping business model. When a customer orders a product in your store, the supplier receives the order and ships the item right to the customer. Dropshipping is a fantastic way to launch an online business with little initial outlay.

Some of the dropshipping integrations that Shopify offers include:

  • Oberlo
  • AliExpress
  • Printful

These are only a few of the most well-liked integrations offered by Shopify. Their app store provides hundreds, if not thousands, of apps that can improve the dropshipping capabilities of your Shopify store.

Shopify Analytics

Shopify has built-in analytics that allows you to track your store’s performance. With Shopify analytics, you can see how much traffic your store is getting, what products are selling the most, and where your customers are coming from. You can also use Shopify analytics to create marketing campaigns and track their results. This feature gives you a detailed overview of your store and lets you see how it’s performing, allowing you to tweak and make changes as needed.

Abandoned Cart Reminder

The abandoned cart reminder feature allows you to recover lost sales by emailing customers who have added items to their cart but still need to complete the purchase. This feature allows you to customize the email template and send automatic follow-up emails at specified intervals. This is a fantastic way to raise sales and conversion rates for your store.

Discount Codes

Discount codes are a great way to promote your products and drive sales. With Shopify, you can create discount codes for your customers at checkout. You can specify the discount amount, the expiration date, and whether the discount is for one-time use or unlimited use. Discount coupons are a fantastic way to entice customers to purchase your goods.

What Is Kajabi?

Kajabi is an all-in-one online platform allowing you to create, market, and sell digital products. With Kajabi, there is no need to worry about hosting your website, managing your emails, or integrating with third-party services. Everything you need to run your business is available in one place.

Kajabi offers a variety of features that make it easy to create and sell digital products. You can easily create beautiful landing and product pages with Kajabi’s drag-and-drop builder. You can also use Kajabi’s built-in themes to quickly create a professional-looking website.

In addition to its website builder, Kajabi also offers powerful marketing tools to help you promote your products. With Kajabi’s marketing pipelines, you can easily automate your marketing campaigns. Kajabi offers webinars and coupons to help you engage with your customers and drive sales.

Kajabi Pros

All-In-One Solution

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that enables you to create, market, and sell your online courses and digital products. You don’t need to worry about integrating different software solutions or dealing with multiple vendors; everything you need is available in one place.

Highly Customizable Built-In Themes

Kajabi comes with several built-in themes that are highly customizable. The benefit of this is that you can build a website that looks professional without a web designer. To launch your product or course quickly, you can use one of the many pre-designed landing pages.

Android And IOS Apps

Kajabi offers Android and iOS apps, so you can manage your business on the go. The apps allow you to check your sales statistics, track student progress and send marketing emails.

Great Customer Support

Kajabi has excellent customer support via live chat, email, and phone. Additionally, they have a sizable knowledge base where you can find solutions to frequently asked questions. In addition, they offer free weekly webinars on various topics related to online course creation and marketing. Lastly, Kajabi also offers Kajabi Unversity, which offers courses that teach you more about how to use their platform more effectively and build a successful online business.

Learning And Teaching Tools

Kajabi offers many learning and teaching tools that make it easy to create high-quality courses. For example, their Course Creator tool allows you to easily add multimedia content (such as videos, audio files, and images) to your classes. They also have a quiz builder for creating assessments and quizzes for your students.

Kajabi Cons

Costly Pricing

Kajabi’s pricing plans are on the higher end when compared to other platforms. Their basic plan starts at $149/month, while their growth and pro plans are $199/month and $399/month, respectively. Budget-conscious users may be discouraged by this.

WordPress Users May Find The Interface Confusing

Kajabi’s interface may confuse WordPress users as it differs from the WordPress dashboard. Kajabi’s interface is more geared towards online courses and membership sites, while WordPress is a general blogging and website platform.

Affiliate Program Feature Not Available On Basic Plan

The affiliate program feature is only available on Kajabi’s growth plan and pro plans, which can be costly for users who are just starting out. If you are on the Basic plan, you won’t have access to the affiliate feature and will need to upgrade to at least the Pro Plan. 

Chat Support On Basic Plan

The basic plan does not offer 24/7 chat support like the Growth and Pro plans. This means you only get to chat with a live agent during business hours, which can be frustrating for users needing more urgent assistance. 

Kajabi Key Features

Website Builder

Kajabi’s website builder is one of the market’s most user-friendly and customizable builders. With Kajabi, you can easily create a beautiful and professional website without any coding knowledge. There are over ten pre-built themes to choose from, and you can easily customize them to match your brand. You can also use Kajabi’s drag-and-drop page builder to create custom pages.

Marketing Pipelines

Kajabi’s marketing pipelines feature allows you to create and automate your marketing campaigns effortlessly. With this feature, you can add new leads to your pipeline, send automatic emails, and track your results. You can also create custom landing pages and opt-in forms with Kajabi’s drag-and-drop builder.


Kajabi’s webinar feature allows you to host live or automated webinars easily. This feature will enable you to share presentations, videos, and other content with your audience. You can also use Kajabi’s webinar platform to deliver courses and training programs.

Coupons and Promotions

Kajabi’s coupons and promotions feature allow you to easily create discount codes for your products and services. With this feature, you can offer discounts on specific products, courses, or membership plans. You can also use Kajabi’s coupon codes to run special promotions for your business.

Quizzes & Assessments

Kajabi’s quizzes & assessments feature allows you to create quizzes and surveys for your students or customers easily. With this feature, you can gather feedback about your products or services. You can also use Kajabi’s quizzes & assessments tool to measure customer satisfaction or engagement levels.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Creating Course And Membership Sites

Kajabi allows you to create online courses, membership sites, and digital products, while Shopify only allows you to create an online store for physical products. This is a crucial difference between the two platforms.

If you’re looking to create an online course or membership site, then Kajabi is the better platform. It’s designed specifically for this purpose and has all the features and tools you need to create a professional and successful online course or membership site.

On the other hand, Shopify is designed primarily for eCommerce stores selling physical products. While it has some features that would be useful for online courses or membership sites (such as its blog and email marketing integrations), it doesn’t have nearly as many features as Kajabi.

The winner, in this case, is easily Kajabi. This platform provides all the necessary tools to create a great online course and is the perfect solution for those looking to sell digital products.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Which Platform Is More User-Friendly?

Kajabi is a more user-friendly platform with customizable templates that allow you to create a professional-looking website without hiring a web designer. The templates are mobile responsive, so your website will look great on all devices. Shopify also has some nice-looking themes, but they are not as customizable as Kajabi’s, and you’ll need to hire a developer if you want to make significant changes.

Kajabi’s drag-and-drop page builder is easy to use and lets you add, delete, or move elements around on your pages with just a few clicks. You can also preview your changes before publishing them live. Shopify also offers an excellent website builder that is easy to use and requires no coding experience. Like Kajabi, it also has a variety of pre-built themes to choose from.

The difference is that with Shopify if you select a theme for your website, that theme will apply to your whole site. With Kajabi, there are many templates for different use cases, including sales landing pages, webinars, about us, and thank you pages, to name a few. This level of flexibility allows you to add different pages to your website without affecting the rest of your website or changing your entire theme as you would with Shopify.

If you’re looking for a more user-friendly platform or prefer more customizability within your themes, then Kajabi is the clear winner.

What Are Pipelines?

A pipeline is a set of processes connected in sequence to complete a task. In business, pipelines are often used to manage the sales process, from initial contact with a potential customer all the way through to closing the sale.

Pipelines can be linear or non-linear. A linear pipeline is one where each step must be completed before the next can begin, and this is often referred to as a waterfall approach. A non-linear pipeline is one where steps can be worked on in parallel, and tasks can be started before others have been completed.

Pipelines can be simple or complex, depending on the number of steps involved and the level of detail required at each stage. For example, a simple sales pipeline might have just four steps:

  1. Lead generation
  2. Qualification
  3. Proposal/negotiation
  4. Closing the deal

A more complex sales pipeline might have additional steps, such as:

  1. Lead generation
  2. Qualification
  3. Research
  4. Solution development
  5. Proposal/negotiation
  6. Closing the deal
  7. Post-sale support

Pipelines can be visualized in various ways, from simple lists or flowcharts to more complex diagrams showing the relationships between tasks.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Pipelines

Kajabi’s pipeline feature is one of its most powerful tools. It allows you to create a sales pipeline for your products and services. You can add products to your pipeline, set deadlines, and track progress. This is a fantastic way to maintain organization and ensure you are getting sales.

Shopify, on the other hand, does not offer this feature. This is a significant disadvantage for Shopify users, making it difficult to track sales and progress. If you do want to add pipeline capabilities to your Shopify store, then you will need to integrate a 3rd party app which is probably going to be an additional cost and still may not give you the same level of functionality that you get with Kajabi. 

The clear winner in this section again is Kajabi. Not only does it offer great pipeline features, but it also allows you to automate the whole process.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Sales Channels

With Shopify, you can sell your products on various sales channels. This includes online stores, pop-up shops, social media platforms, and marketplaces. You can also use Shopify’s POS system to sell in-person at events or brick-and-mortar stores.

Shopify’s online store is fully customizable and easy to use. You can choose from various themes, add apps and plugins, and set up your store in minutes. Shopify offers a built-in blog to share your story and connect with your customers.

A great way to test new products or attract new customers is through pop-up stores. With Shopify, you can create a pop-up shop in minutes and start selling immediately. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter are great places to reach new customers. With Shopify’s social media integration features, you can post product photos and links directly from your Shopify admin. You can also track how many sales come from each social platform.

Marketplaces like Amazon and eBay are massive eCommerce platforms with millions of shoppers. When you list your products on these marketplaces, you’ll be able to reach a whole new audience of potential customers. And with Shopify’s streamlined order management system, fulfilling orders is easy peasy!

When comparing Shopify and Kajabi in terms of sales channels, Kajabi cannot compare as they only allow you to sell through their platform. In contrast, Shopify will enable you to sell on various channels. 

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Payment Processors

As an online business owner, it’s essential to offer your customers various payment options, and Shopify understands this and offers more payment options than Kajabi. With Shopify, you can accept payments via credit card, debit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. You can also use Shopify’s built-in point-of-sale system to accept in-person payments. On the other hand, Kajabi only allows you to accept payments via Stripe and PayPal. If you have customers who prefer to pay with a different method, you’ll need to use a third-party service like Bitpay or 2Checkout.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Student Engagement

Suppose you’re trying to engage more with your students and allow them to participate in more interactive activities. In that case, you won’t be able to do this with Shopify, as they don’t offer any course creation features. 

Kajabi offers a variety of features that make it easier to engage with your students. For example, Kajabi’s quiz and assessment feature allow you to create quizzes and assessments for your students to test their knowledge. This is a fantastic way to get your students involved and ensure they understand the material. Additionally, Kajabi’s webinar feature allows you to host live or pre-recorded webinars for your students. This is a fantastic way to interact in real-time with your students and address any queries they may have. Lastly, Kajabi’s offers its users a built-in community feature that allows them to create their own community to interact with students. You can also create different forums or discussion topics that encourage your students to interact with each and create a more helpful community for new students of your course.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Automation Features

Both Kajabi and Shopify provide excellent automation features that can help you save a ton of time and effort. For example, Shopify’s abandoned cart reminder is a great way to recover lost sales, and Kajabi’s marketing pipelines make it easy to automate your marketing campaigns.

We couldn’t call a winner in this round as they’re both great regarding automation capabilities. However, Kajabi’s are a bit more basic and more suited for beginners, while Shopify’s automation features are more powerful and are better suited to more advanced users. 

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Affiliate Programs

Kajabi is the platform to use if you want your own affiliate program. With Kajabi, you can easily create an affiliate program and start recruiting affiliates.

When setting up an affiliate program, there are a few factors to take into account, such as:

  • What type of product or service you’re going to be promoting
  • What kind of commissions you’re going to offer your affiliates
  • How you’re going to track sales and pay out commissions

Kajabi makes it easy to set up and manage your affiliate program. Choose “Affiliate Program” as the campaign type when creating a new marketing campaign. From there, you can customize the details of your affiliate program.

Kajabi also offers a few other features that make it easier to manage your affiliate program, such as:

  • The ability to see which affiliates are performing well and which ones aren’t
  • The ability to set up commission tiers so that your top-performing affiliates earn more money
  • The ability to track clicks, leads, and sales so that you can see how much revenue your affiliate program is generating

Overall, Kajabi is the better platform if you’re looking to create your own affiliate program.

Shopify doesn’t offer any built-in affiliate program management, so you will need to add additional apps to your store to add this functionality.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Pricing And Plans

Shopify Plans And Pricing


The Basic Shopify plan starts at $29 per month and gives you access to the platform’s core features. This plan is suitable for businesses that are just starting out and need a simple online store.


The Shopify plan starts at $79 per month and gives you access to all the features of the Basic plan, plus some additional features such as eCommerce automations, USPS Priority Mail Cubic® pricing, USPS Parcel Select Cubic® pricing, Included shipping insurance, and a lowered transaction fee of 1%. This plan is suitable for growing businesses and needs more than the basic plan.


The Advanced Shopify plan starts at $299 per month and gives you access to all the features of the Shopify plan, plus some additional features such as advanced report builder and Duties and import taxes. You’re also only charged a 0.5% transaction fee on this plan which can significantly increase your bottom line in the long term. This is the perfect plan for bigger retail stores that want to benefit from lower transaction fees and more detailed reporting.

Kajabi Plans And Pricing


Kajabi offers a Basic plan for $149 per month. This plan includes the following:

  • Up to 3 products
  • Up to 3 funnels
  • Up to 10,000 contacts
  • Up to 1,000 active members
  • 1 website
  • 1 admin user
  • Unlimited landing pages and emails
  • Basic integrations (Zapier, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel)
  • Chat support

On the Basic plan, there will be Kajabi branding which can only be removed if you upgrade to the Growth plan. Also, this is the only plan that does not allow you access to the affiliate program feature.


Kajabi’s Growth plan is $199 per month. This plan includes everything in the Basic plan, plus:

  • Up to 15 products
  • Up to 15 funnels
  • Up to 25,000 contacts
  • Up to 10,000 active members
  • 1 website
  • 10 admin users
  • Advanced integrations (HubSpot, Mailchimp, ConvertKit)
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Affiliate Program
  • Removing Kajabi branding


Kajabi’s Pro plan is $399 per month. This plan includes everything in the Growth plan, plus:

  • Up to 100 products
  • Up to 100 funnels
  • Up to 20,000 active members
  • Up to 100,000 contacts
  • 3 websites
  • 25 admin users 
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Code Editor

All Kajabi plans come with a 14-day free trial for you to try out the software, and all plans also have 0% transaction fees. 

Both Shopify And Kajabi Offer Annual Discounts

If you sign up to either Shopify or Kajabi on an annual plan, you will receive yearly discounts with both of them. Shopify offers a 50% discount on their annual plans, while Kajabi provides a 20% discount.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Which Is Cheaper?

It’s clear that Shopify is the more affordable solution, and their entry-level plan of $29 per month is hugely cheaper than the basic plan offered by Kajabi, which costs $149 per month. So if we compare them purely on affordability, Shopify wins hands down. 

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Key Differences

Kajabi Is More Comprehensive, And Shopify Is For Ecommerce Stores

Kajabi is an all-in-one solution that allows you to sell products, courses, and memberships from one platform. It has built-in features for marketing, email automation, membership sites, and course creation. Kajabi is an excellent choice if you want to sell digital products or online courses.

On the other hand, Shopify is an eCommerce solution best suited for retail stores or businesses selling physical products. It has all the necessary features for creating an online store but doesn’t offer the same level of functionality for digital products. If you’re primarily interested in selling physical goods, then Shopify would be the better option.

Shopify Is A More Affordable Solution

Shopify plans start at $29/month, while Kajabi plans start at $149/month. Shopify will be the more affordable option if you’re on a tight budget. However, remember that Kartra offers more features than Shopify, so you get more bang for your buck with Kartra.

Kajabi Is For Digital Products, Shopify Is For Retail Stores Or Physical Products

Kajabi was created with digital products in mind. It has features such as membership sites and course creation that are perfect for selling online courses or other digital products. If you’re primarily interested in selling physical goods, then Shopify would be the better option as it’s geared toward retail stores.

Shopify Is Better For Dropshipping

If you’re looking to set up a dropshipping business, then Shopify would be the better platform as it offers more integrations and apps specifically for dropshipping businesses. While Kajabi has some dropshipping features, it’s less comprehensive than what Shopify offers.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Key Similarities

They Are Both Subscription-Based

Shopify and Kajabi both offer monthly and annual payment plans. You can select the plan that best suits your requirements and financial situation.

They Both Offer Third-Party Integrations

Shopify and Kajabi both offer third-party integrations. This means you can connect your Shopify or Kajabi account with other platforms, such as email marketing platforms, to automate your marketing efforts.

They Both Have Great Customer Support

Both Shopify and Kajabi offer top-notch customer service. You can contact their customer support staff if you have any inquiries or issues, and they will gladly assist you.

They Both Have Drag-And-Drop Page Builders

Shopify and Kajabi both have drag-and-drop page builders. You can easily create beautiful pages without coding or hiring a web designer.

They Both Have SEO Features

Both Shopify and Kajabi come with built-in SEO features. This means that you can optimize your website for search engines so that people can find your courses or products easily online.

Which Platform Should You Choose?

 Kajabi Is Better For Online Courses Or Membership Access

If you are selling online courses, then Kajabi is the better platform for you. This is because Kajabi is an all-in-one solution that offers everything you need to sell your courses online. With Kajabi, you can create beautiful landing pages, build your email list, and even create membership sites.

In addition, Kajabi comes with built-in themes that are highly customizable. This means you can create a professional-looking website without hiring a web designer. Plus, with Kajabi’s Android and iOS apps, you can sell your courses on the go.

Finally, Kajabi offers excellent customer support and has a wide range of learning and teaching tools. This makes it easy for you to start selling your courses online.

Choose Shopify If Run An Ecommerce Store

If you run an eCommerce store, then Shopify is the better platform for you, and this is because Shopify is designed explicitly for eCommerce businesses. With Shopify, you can easily add products to your website, process payments, and track inventory. Plus, Shopify integrates with a wide range of shipping and payment providers.

In addition, Shopify offers a vast selection of pre-built themes and plugins. This means you can easily find a theme that matches your brand identity and add features to your website without hiring a developer. With Shopify’s scalability, you can quickly expand your business as it grows.

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Who Do We Recommend?

As eCommerce businesses have become more popular, the need for platforms that can accommodate these businesses has increased. While many eCommerce platforms are available, Kajabi is the best option for most companies. 

There are a few key reasons why we recommend Kajabi over Shopify. However, we mainly prefer Kajabi because it offers more features than Shopify. This is important because it means you can do more with your website on Kajabi. For example, Kajabi allows you to create courses and membership sites, which you cannot do on Shopify. Kajabi is a more comprehensive and all-in-one platform compared to Shopify. With Shopify, you will most likely pay additional monthly app fees as your stores grow. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preferences and what you’re looking for. 

Shopify vs. Kajabi: Conclusion

If you’re wondering whether Shopify or Kajabi is the right platform for you, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re selling online courses, Kajabi is an excellent choice, as it offers all the features you need in one place. However, if you’re running an eCommerce store or a dropshipping store, Shopify is a better option as it’s more affordable and has more sales channels with various payment options for your customers. We hope you enjoyed this Shopify vs. Kajabi comparison, and please check out our other amazing article at Landing Zilla!


Why Is Kajabi So Expensive?

Kajabi is more expensive than Shopify because it offers many more features and functionality. For example, Kajabi has built-in email marketing and landing page builder tools, whereas Shopify does not. In addition, whereas Shopify’s plans are flat-rate, Kajabi’s pricing tiers depend on how many products you want to sell.

Is Kajabi Easy To Use?

Yes, Kajabi is easy to use. Even if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll be able to create a professional-looking website with Kajabi. The platform is designed for users of all skill levels, so you won’t need any coding knowledge or experience to get started.

Can I Use My Custom Domain With Kajabi?

Yes, you can use your custom domain with Kajabi. In fact, we recommend that you do so for branding and professionalism purposes.

Who Are The Founders Of Kajabi?

The founders of Kajabi are Tony Robbins and Joe Polish. They are two well-known entrepreneurs who have created numerous successful businesses in various industries.

Who Are Shopify’s Main Competitors?

Shopify’s main competitors are BigCommerce and WooCommerce.

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